SB 627

              Senate Committee Report

              State Affairs

              March 2, 2015 - 9:00 AM


                                          Avila, Jaie   Reporter  (WOAI-TV/Texas Assn. of Broadcasters), San Antonio, TX

                                          Baggett, Donnis   Executive Vice President  (Texas Press Association), Austin, TX

                                          Christenson, Sig   Sr. Reporter - Military & Veterans Affairs Writer  (San Antonio

                                          Express-News/Hearst Newspapers), San Antonio, TX

                                          Groogan, Greg   Reporter  (Fox 26 Houston/Texas Assoc. of Broadcasters), Houston, TX

                                          Hiott, Debbie   Editor  (Austin American-Statesman, FOIFT, & TLAC), Austin, TX

                                          Oliver, Becky   Reporter  (KDFW), Dallas, TX

                                          Prather, Laura   Attorney  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Rodriguez, Oscar   President  (Texas Association of Broadcasters), Austin, TX

                                          Watler, Paul   Attorney  (Tx Assoc of Broadcasters, FOI Foundation of Texas, & self),

                                          Dallas, TX


                                          Baskin, James D.    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Blevins, Jr., Bryan O.   President  (also providing written testimony)  (Tx Trial Lawyers

                                          Assoc.), Beaumont, TX

                                          Bresnen, Steve   Attorney at Law  (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Marzullo, Amanda   Policy Director  (Texas Defender Service), Austin, TX

                                          Shannon, Kelley   Executive Director  (Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas),

                                          Austin, TX
