SB 991

              Senate Committee Report

              Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

              April 13, 2015 - 2:00 PM or upon adjournment


                                          Hemmeline, Charlie    (Texas Solar Power Association), Austin, TX

                                          Reed, Cyrus   Conservation director  (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club), Austin, TX

                                          Zerrenner, Kate   Project Manager  (also providing written testimony)  (Environmental

                                          Defense Fund), Austin, TX


                                          Mace, Robert   Deputy Executive Administrator  (Texas Water Development Board),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Webber, Michael   Professor  (Self; UT Austin), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Burnam, Lon    (Public citizen), Fort worth, TX

                                          Cain, Randy   Attorney  (The Wind Coalition), Austin, TX

                                          Hess, Myron    (National Wildlife Federation), Austin, TX

                                          Huffman, Laura   Texas State Director, The Nature Conservancy  (The Nature

                                          Conservancy), Austin, TX

                                          McCollough, Parker   VP Gov't Affairs  (NRG Energy, Inc), Austin, TX

                                          Metzger, Luke   Director  (Environment Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Urban, John Paul    (NRG Energy), Austin, TX

                                          Weinberg, David   Executive Director  (Texas League of Conservation Voters), Austin, TX

                                          Wynn, Monty    (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX


                                          Huber, Grant    (Texas General Land Office), Austin, TX
