SB 1907

              Senate Committee Report

              Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs

              April 13, 2015 - 2:00 PM or upon adjournment


                                          Cortez, Albert    (Coastal Water regional supply company), Austin, TX

                                          Strickland, Wes   Counsel  (Water-Energy Nexus for Texas Coalition (WENT)), Austin,



                                          Box, Steve   Executive director  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Environmental

                                          Stewardship), Bastrop, TX

                                          Gangnes, Michele    (also providing written testimony)  (Self; League of independent

                                          Voters of Texas), Lexington, TX

                                          Hess, Myron    (also providing written testimony)  (National Wildlife Federation), Austin,


                                          Kramer, Ken   Water Resources Chair  (also providing written testimony)  (Sierra Club -

                                          Lone Star Chapter), Austin, TX

                                          McGeary, Judith    (Self; Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance), Cameron, TX


                                          Nelson, Matt   Director  (Texas WaterDevelopment Board), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Barksdale, Jay   Sr. VP, Public Policy and Education  (Dallas Regional Chamber), Dallas,


                                          Deshields, Holly    (Central Texas Water Coalition), Austin, TX

                                          Frazier, Kyle    (Texas association of groundwater owners and producers), Austin, TX

                                          Lawson, Richard    (Chevron), Austin, TX

                                          McGinnis, Larry    (Exelon Corporation), Austin, TX

                                          Nasi, Mike   Counsel  (Balanced Energy for Texas Coalition), Austin, TX

                                          Nasi, Mike   Counsel  (South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC)), Austin, TX

                                          Shields, Chris    (Tenaska), Austin, TX

                                          Sledge, Brian   Attorney  (Prairielands GCD), Austin, TX

                                          Small, Ed    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Tredway, CJ    (Texas Oil & Gas Association), Austin, TX

                                          Wells, Hope   Water Resources Counsel  (San Antonio Water System), San Antonio, TX


                                          Casnovsky, Joy   Program Director, Sustainable Food Center  (Self; Sustainable Food

                                          Center), Austin, TX

                                          Curtis, Linda   Director  (Self; Independent texans), Bastrop, TX

                                          Ice, Lauren    (Self; Save Our Springs Alliance), Austin, TX

                                          Thompson, Leigh   Policy Analyst  (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Austin, TX
