County Affairs Committee

            July 30, 2015 - 2:00 PM

            County Jail Issues and Peace Officer Interaction


                                 Alexander, Dominique (Next Generation Action Network)

                                 Baker, Janet (Self)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas naacp)

                                 Cole, Cynthia (Self; Afscme 1550)

                                 Deitch, Michele (Self)

                                 Douglas, Durrel (Self; Houston Justice Coalition)

                                 Frandsen, Barbara (League of Women Voters of Texas)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Harding, Vincent (Self)

                                 Keller, Merily (Self; Mental Health America of Texas & Texas Suicide Prevention Council)

                                 Ligon, Katharine (Center for Public Policy Priorities)

                                 Livingston, Sherman (Self)

                                 Mack, Brandon (Self)

                                 McCraw, Steven (Texas Department of Public Safety)

                                 Mitchell, Kathy (Self)

                                 Russell, Lelani (Next Generation Action Network)

                                 Saunders, Teri (Self)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Smith, Douglas (Texas Criminal Justice Coalition)

                                 Swilley, Kathy (Self; Cops holdins cops accountable)

                                 Watson, Fran (Self)

                                 Webb, Michael (Self)

                                 Williams, Doris (Self)

                                 Wilson, Dennis D. (Sheriffs' Association of Texas)

                                 Wood, Brandon (Texas Commission on Jail Standards)

                                 Woods, Ashton P. (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Claitor, Diana (Texas jail project)

                                 Marzullo, Amanda (Texas Defender Service)

                                 Radford, Todd (Self)

                                 Rowe, Kelly (Sheriffs' Association of Texas)

                                 Sims, Jaynna (Self)
