Public Health Committee

            April 7, 2015 - 8:00 AM

            HB 764


                                 Blake, Stephen (Self; Texas ASC Society)


                                 Elerian, Nagla (Texas Department of State Health Services)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Carlo, John (Self; Tma)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Kroll, Carrie (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Richert, H. Miller (Self)

                                 Robinson, N. Keith (Self)

            HB 839


                                 Barillas, Ph.D., Katherine (One voice texas)

                                 Ligon, Katharine (Center for publicpolicy priorities)

                                 Linder, Lindsey (Texas criminal justice coalition)

                                 Rose, Lauren (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Van Ramshorst, Ryan (Self; Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Medical Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Confeence of Bishops)

                                 Bocchini, Claire (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodistbhealthcare ministries)

                                 Crockett, Sarah (Texas CASA)

                                 Francis, Will (National association of social workers - texas chapter)

                                 Graziani, Cate (Mental Health America of Texas)

                                 Guerra-Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund-TX)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Hubner, Chris (Travis Co. Juvenile Probation Dept.)

                                 Kaufman, Caroline (Self)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Lewis, Kathryn (Disability Rights Texas)

                                 Lucas, Shannon (March of Dimes)

                                 McFarland, Jane (Self; League of Women Voters)

                                 McFarland, Jane (Self; League of women voters Texas)

                                 Partida, Neftali (Houston Methodist Hospital)

                                 Rain, Marian (Self)

                                 Ramon, Mariah (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Shipman, Courtney (Self)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

                                 Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)


                                 Beck, Carolyn (Texas Juvenile Justice Department)

                                 Carruth, Lisa (HHSC)

                                 Ghasemi, Michael (HHSC)

                                 Perez, Gina (HHSC)

            HB 1212


                                 Mills, Brady (Texas Department of Public Saftey Crime Laborator)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Alexander, Troy (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Craft, Lon (TMPA)

                                 Craft, Lon (TMPA)

                                 Hutto, Kathy (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice)

                                 Owens, Michele (Self)

                                 Romero, Michelle (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Sanford, Tiana (Montgomery County District Attorney's Office)

                                 Van Ramshorst, Ryan (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)


                                 Tannert, Karen (Department of state health servixes)

            HB 1263


                                 Bearden, Chase (Coalition of texans with disabilities)

                                 Besselink, W. Allan (Self)

                                 Connors, Michael (Self; Texas Physical Therapy Association)

                                 Nordyke, Mark (Self; Texas Physical Therapy Association)


                                 Aguirre, Heather (Self)

                                 Aguirre, Heather (Self; Texas osteopathic medical association and all)


                                 Dudensing, Jamie (Texas Association of Health Plans)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Babiarz, Nancy (Self)

                                 Bezner, Janet (Self)

                                 Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

                                 Calabria, Elizabeth (Self; APTA and TPTA)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Callaway, Greydon (Self)

                                 Canas, Rene (Self)

                                 Carter, Jarod (Self)

                                 Chisholm, Ashley (Self)

                                 Collier, Patricia (Self)

                                 Crowley, Heidi (Self)

                                 Davis, Phillip (Self)

                                 Fagan, Barbara (Self)

                                 Flores, Juan (Self)

                                 Gist, Sarah (University of St Augustine)

                                 Gobert, Denise (Self; Texas physical therapy assocition)

                                 Guillot, Justin (Self)

                                 Hale, Jennifer (Self)

                                 Hannon, Jackie (Self)

                                 Hardin, Paul (Self; Texas physical Therapy Association)

                                 Hardin, Shelley (Self)

                                 Harris, James (Self)

                                 Hornsby, Kristin (Self; APTA AND TPTA AND TEXAS PHYSICAL THERAPY

                                 SPECIALIST, DPT student at university of St Augustine)

                                 Janecka, Alexandra (Self; APTA, TPTA)

                                 Keene, Benjamin (Self)

                                 King, Sarah (Self; TPTA)

                                 Leans, Jenifer (Self)

                                 Lewis, William (Self; Tpta)

                                 Martel, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Mather, Stacey (Self)

                                 Miller, Kelly (Physical Therapist)

                                 Milligan, Mark (Self)

                                 Morales, Arlene (Self)

                                 Morrow, Janet (Self)

                                 Moyer, Mary (Self)

                                 Orphey, Sharon (Self)

                                 Perkins, Vicki (CHRISTUS Health)

                                 Peterson, Danielle (University St. Augustine)

                                 PT, Lori (Self)

                                 Rasoulian, Leeda (Self; APTA , TPTA)

                                 Record, Elizabeth (Tpta, apta)

                                 Reed, Kevin (Texas Organization Rural and Community Hospitals)

                                 Spigarelli, Rudie (Self)

                                 Stambush, Scott (Self)

                                 Steffes, Susan (Self)

                                 Stickley, Lois (Self)

                                 Sykes, Peyton (Self)

                                 Talley, Irrin (Texas physical therapy specilaist)

                                 Tanney, Katherine (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Taylor, Rendle (Self)

                                 Townsley, Amber (Self)

                                 Trotter, Brian (Self)

                                 Trotter, Suzanne (Self)

                                 Tsay, Elaine (Self; Texas Physical Therapy Association)

                                 Wallace, Bridgett (Self)

                                 Walters, Joshua (Self)

                                 Werling, James (Self)

                                 Werner, Thomas (Self)

                                 Williams, Shannon (Self; Texas physical therapy association)

                                 Willmann, James (Texas Nurses Association)

                                 Winn, Anthony (Self; University if St. augustine for Health Sciences)

                                 Zitterkopf, PT, DPT, CLT, Gail (Self)


                                 Crockett, Krista (Texas Pain Society)

                                 Driver, Larry (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Floyd, Gary (Self)

                                 Floyd, Gary (Self)

                                 Froelich, James (Self; Coalition For Patient Safety)

                                 Grant, Kathy (Texas Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Association)

                                 Menard, Ralph (Self)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Self; Tx ophthalmological association)

                                 White, Mark (Self)


                                 Gordon, Karen (Executive Council of PT & OT E xaminers)

                                 Maline, John (Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners)

            HB 1409


                                 Cook, Daniel (Self)

                                 Davidson, John (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Gutierrez, Rose (Texas Dental Hygienists Association)

                                 Nunn, Patricia (Self)

                                 Reeves, David (Self)

                                 Richardson, Amanda (Texas Dental Hygienists Association)


                                 Black, Richard (Texas Dental Association)

                                 Cammarata, Rita (Texas Dental Association)

                                 Cazares, Dr. Jose (Self; Texas Academy of General Dentistry)

                                 Duncan, David (Texas Dental Association)

                                 Gloyna, David (Self; Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Walters, Karen (Texas Dental Association)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 White, John (Texas Dental Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)

                                 Cline, Nancy (Self; Texas dental hygienists' association)

                                 Hammond, Bill (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Higgins, Carlos (Self; TX Silver Haired Leg)

                                 Laborde, Blanca (Adult Day Health Care Assiciation)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Martin, Julie (Self; TDHA)

                                 Romero, Michelle (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Shields, Bradford (PEW Foundation)

                                 Tesch, Sandy (Texas Dental Hygienist Association)


                                 Driver, Larry (Self)

                                 Rudd, Tyler (Texas Academy of Pedatric Dentistry)

                                 Schnabel, Charlie (Self; Texas academy for pediatric ddentistry)


                                 Coleman, Justin (Texas veterans commission)

                                 Deal, Nycia (Texas State Board of Dental Examiners)

            HB 1483


                                 Patterson, Analea (Valeant)

                                 Restivo, Vincent (Self)

                                 Whitfield, Robert (Self; Texas society of plastic surgeons)


                                 Cantu, Nario Rene (Self; AIP Board Member, Texas Pharmacy Association Board Member)

                                 Hardin-oliver, Carole (Self)

                                 Newberry, Mark (Self; Alliance of independent pharmacists)

                                 Shields, Bradford (Texas Federationvof Drug Stores)

                                 Weller, Charlotte (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Wyatt, Anjanette (Self; Texas pharmacy association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bowes, Harrison (Self)

                                 Broadus, Bob (Allergan)

                                 Buckingham, Dawn (Self)

                                 Casto, Tracy (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Fleeger, David (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Floyd, Gary (Self)

                                 Froelich, James (Self; Coalition for patient safety)

                                 Hays, Steven (Self)

                                 Holland, Brad (Self)

                                 King, Austin (Self)

                                 Kowalski, Thomas (Texas healthcare and bioscience institute)

                                 Nava, Mary (Bexar County Medical Society)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Self; Texas ophthalmological association)

                                 Shah, Jayesh (Self)

                                 Simpson, Stephanie (Texas association of manufacturers)

                                 Snyder, Ned (Self; Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons)

                                 Woomer, Eric (Texas Dermatological Society)


                                 Alhasan, Yasmine (Self)

                                 Alvarado, Christopher (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Anderson, Shelby (Self)

                                 Baize, Paige (Self)

                                 Batey, Chad (Self)

                                 Biundo, Bruce (Self; Pcca)

                                 Blanco, Delilah (Self; TTUHSC-SOP APhA-ASP TPA)

                                 Bogdanich, Ivana (Self)

                                 Chhadua, Raj (Self)

                                 Chung, Haemy (Self)

                                 Conwell, Audra (Alliance of Independent of Texas)

                                 Desmarais, Staci (Self)

                                 Dorsey, Joe (Self)

                                 Dykes, James (Self)

                                 Fancher, Justin (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Fry, Wilson B (Self)

                                 Galligher, Duane (Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Garza, Rene (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association - President Elect   And Alliance of

                                 Independent Pharmacists of Texas - Immediate Past President)

                                 Hagar, Kelly (Self)

                                 Heal, John (Pharmacy Buying Association d/b/a Texas TrueCare Pharmacies)

                                 High, Carter (Self; Texas pharmacy association)

                                 Hoang, Thien (Self)

                                 Hoban, Brom (Texas pharmacy association)

                                 Hodges, Lauren (Self)

                                 Hudman, Justin (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Johnson, Sarah (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Klein, Mary (Self)

                                 Kurmel, Staci (Self)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Long, Matt (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Long, Matt (Self)

                                 Maddox, Steven (Self; Texas pharmacy association)

                                 Mayes, Robert (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Mcmahon, Linda (Self; Texas pharmacy assoc)

                                 Owens, Michele (Self)

                                 Peippo, Mark (Self)

                                 Reagan, Carol (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Reagan, Karen (Self)

                                 Simon, Neal (Self; Ttuhsc sop tpa)

                                 Sleeper, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Smith, Angela (Self)

                                 Spence, David (Self; Texas Pharmacy association)

                                 Spier, Julie (Self; Texas federation of drug stores)

                                 Su, Christine (Self)

                                 Wise, Caitlin (Self)

                                 Wright, Michael (Texas Pharmacy business council)

                                 Wyatt, Damita (Self; Tx pharmacy association)

                                 Ybarra, Alexandria (Self; TTUHSC APHA-ASP TPA)

                                 Ybarra, Gavin (Self)

                                 Yoakum, Jennifer (Self; Alliance of Independent Pharmacists)

                                 Yong, Guann (Self)


                                 Dodson, Gay (Texas State Board of Pharmacy)

                                 Robinson, Mari (Texas Medical Board)

            HB 1550


                                 Hardin-oliver, Carole (Self)

                                 Weller, Charlotte (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Wyatt, Anjanette (Self; Texas pharmacy association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Alhasan, Yasmine (Self)

                                 Anderson, Shelby (Self)

                                 Baize, Paige (Self)

                                 Batey, Chad (Self)

                                 Biundo, Bruce (Self; Pcca)

                                 Blanco, Delilah (Self; TTUHSC-SOP APhA-ASP TPA)

                                 Bogdanich, Ivana (Self)

                                 Cantu, Nario Rene (Self; AIP Board Member, Texas Pharmacy Association Board Member)

                                 Chhadua, Raj (Self)

                                 Chung, Haemy (Self)

                                 Conwell, Audra (Alliance of Independent of Texas)

                                 Desmarais, Staci (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Dorsey, Joe (Self)

                                 Dykes, James (Self)

                                 Fancher, Justin (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Fry, Wilson B (Self)

                                 Galligher, Duane (Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Garza, Rene (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association - President Elect   And Alliance of

                                 Independent Pharmacists of Texas - Immediate Past President)

                                 Hagar, Kelly (Self)

                                 Heal, John (Pharmacy Buying Association d/b/a Texas TrueCare Pharmacies)

                                 High, Carter (Self; Texas pharmacy association)

                                 Hoang, Thien (Self)

                                 Hoban, Brom (Texas pharmacy association)

                                 Hodges, Lauren (Self)

                                 Holland, Brad (Self)

                                 Hudman, Justin (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Klein, Mary (Self)

                                 Kuykendall (pronounce: kirk-in-doll), Deanna L. (Texas Trial Lawyers Association)

                                 Long, Matt (Self)

                                 Long, Matt (Self)

                                 Maddox, Steven (Self; Texas pharmacy association)

                                 Mayes, Robert (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Mcmahon, Linda (Self; Texas pharmacy assoc)

                                 Owens, Michele (Self)

                                 Peippo, Mark (Self)

                                 Reagan, Carol (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Shields, Bradford (Texas Federationvof Drug Stores)

                                 Simon, Neal (Self; Ttuhsc sop tpa)

                                 Spence, David (Self; Texas Pharmacy association)

                                 Spier, Julie (Self; Texas federation of drug stores)

                                 Su, Christine (Self)

                                 Waldrop, Rebecca (Sanofi)

                                 Wiesner, Dennis (HEB)

                                 Wise, Caitlin (Self)

                                 Wyatt, Damita (Self; Tx pharmacy association)

                                 Ybarra, Alexandria (Self; TTUHSC APHA-ASP TPA)

                                 Ybarra, Gavin (Self)

                                 Yoakum, Jennifer (Self; Alliance of Independent Pharmacists)

                                 Yong, Guann (Self)


                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)


                                 Dodson, Gay (Texas State Board of Pharmacy)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

            HB 1661


                                 Cazares, Dr. Jose (Self; Texas Academy of General Dentistry)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Black, Rick (Texas Dental Association)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)

                                 Foster, Jim (Self)

                                 Rudd, Tyler (Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry)


                                 VanHoose, Laurie (HHSC)

            HB 1924


                                 Bray, James (Self; Texas Psychological Association)

                                 Mooney, Megan (Self; DePelchin Children's Center)

                                 Phillips, Amanda (Texas Psychological Association)


                                 Walker, Charles (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)

                                 Graziani, Cate (Mental Health America of Texas)

                                 Johnson, Lee (Texas Council of Community Centers)

                                 Ligon, Katharine (Center for publicpolicy priorities)

                                 Sabo, Jason (DePelchin Children's Center)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

                                 White, David (Texas Psychological Association)


                                 Bajwa, Kulvinder (Self; Harris county medical society)

            HB 1940


                                 Bearden, Chase (Coalition of texans with disabilities)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)

                                 Davidson, John (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

                                 Fogarty, Christy Jo (Self)

                                 Martin, Julie (Self; TDHA)

                                 Nunn, Patricia (Self)

                                 Richardson, Amanda (Texas Dental Hygienists Association)


                                 Black, Richard (Texas Dental Association)

                                 Cammarata, Rita (Texas Dental Association)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Cazares, Dr. Jose (Self; Texas Academy of General Dentistry)

                                 Duncan, David (Texas Dental Association)

                                 Gloyna, David (Self; Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Walters, Karen (Texas Dental Association)

                                 White, John (Texas Dental Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Aguirre, Leo (The GEO Group)

                                 Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Cline, Nancy (Self; Texas dental hygienists' association)

                                 Cooper, Kevin (Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Fredriksen, Amanda (AARP)

                                 Hammond, Bill (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

                                 Kimball, Mandi (Children at Risk)

                                 Laborde, Blanca (Adult Day Health Care Assiciation)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Shields, Bradford (PEW Foundation)

                                 Tesch, Sandy (Texas Dental Hygienist Association)

                                 Valdez, Jerry (Career Colleges & Schools of Texas)


                                 Driver, Larry (Self)

                                 Rudd, Jim (Texas Society of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons)

                                 Rudd, Tyler (Texas Academy of Pedatric Dentistry)

                                 Schnabel, Charlie (Consultant)


                                 Deal, Nycia (Texas State Board of Dental Examiners)

                                 Diaz-Lara, Debra (Texas Department of Insurance)

                                 Graeber, Jan (Texas Department of Insurance)

            HB 2023


                                 Johnson, Lee (Texas Council of Community Centers)

                                 Lewis, Kathryn (Disability Rights Texas)

                                 Murphy, Kate (Texas public policy foundation)


                                 Frost, Lynda (Hogg Foundation for Mental Health)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Borel, Dennis (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodist healthcare ministries)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Francis, Will (National association of social workers - texas chapter)

                                 Graziani, Cate (Mental Health America of Texas)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Kelly, Bill (Mental Health America of Greater Houston)

                                 Lee, Donald (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Ligon, Katharine (Center for publicpolicy priorities)

                                 Mendez, Mark (Tarrant County Commissioners Court)

                                 Mitchell, Seth (Bexar County Commissioners Court)

                                 Romero, Michelle (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Simpson, Matt (ACLU of Texas)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

                                 Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)


                                 Heard, Courtney (Department of State Health Services)

            HB 2079


                                 Kimball, Mandi (Children at Risk)

                                 Kreuzee, Donna (Self; Pregnancy and postpartum health alliance)

                                 Thomas, Beth (Self)


                                 Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bajwa, Kulvinder (Self; Harris county medical society)

                                 Barillas, Ph.D., Katherine (One voice texas)

                                 Bocchini, Claire (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodistbhealthcare ministries)

                                 Cavazos, Elaine (Self)

                                 Crockett, Sarah (Texas CASA)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Hollier, Lisa (TX Medical Association, TX Pediatric Society, American Congress

                                 Obstetricians & Gynecologists-TX, TX Association Obstet & Gynecol, Federation TX

                                 Psychiatry, TX Academ Family Physicians, March of Dimes)

                                 Kelly, Bill (Mental Health America of Greater Houston)

                                 Kreuzer, Paul (Self)

                                 Lam, Wilson (Self)

                                 Levison, J udy (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Ligon, Katharine (Center for publicpolicy priorities)

                                 Lucas, Shannon (March of Dimes)

                                 Rain, Marian (Self)

                                 Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Shipman, Courtney (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

                                 Steffes, Susan (Self)

                                 Tucker, Amy (Self)

                                 Tucker, Mark (Self)

                                 Van Ramshorst, Ryan (Self; Texas Pediatric Society)

                                 Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)


                                 Bliss, Carmen (Department of State Health Services)

            HB 2131


                                 Daskevich, Cris (Texas Children's Hospital)


                                 Anthony, Johnson (UTHealth School of Medicine, The Fetal Center at Children's Memorial

                                 Hermann Hospital)

                                 Moise, Kenneth (UTHealth School of Medicine, The Fetal Center at Children's Memorial

                                 Hermann Hospital)

                                 Tsao, KuoJen (UTHealth School of Medicine, The Fetal Center at Children's Memorial

                                 Hermann Hospital)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Confeence of Bishops)

                                 Bocchini, Claire (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Lam, Wilson (Self)

                                 Levison, J udy (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Lucas, Shannon (March of Dimes)

                                 Rose, Lauren (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

            HB 2267


                                 Gloyna, David (Self; Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)

                                 Gumbert, Sam (Self; Case Western Reserve  and TSA)

                                 Hoang, Stephen (Self; Anesthesiologists for Children, Children's Health Dallas)

                                 Jones, Gary (Self; Texas academy of anesthesiologist assistants, case western reserve

                                 university- master of science in anesthesia program-houston)

                                 Mcalister, Jana (Self)

                                 McHorse, Paul (Self; Texas Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants)

                                 Norman, David (Self)


                                 Brydges, Garry (Self)

                                 Quintana, Juan (Self; AANA)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Capelo, Jaime (Coalition for Patient Safety)

                                 Driver, Larry (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Goodridge, Tim (Self)

                                 Haskins, Brian (Self; CWRU, TSA, TAAA)

                                 Humphries, Adrianne (Self)

                                 Johnson, Dane (Self)

                                 Kim, Tommy (Self)

                                 Leans, Jenifer (Self)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 McMurtry, Rebecca (Self)

                                 Middleton, Ellen (Self)

                                 Morrow, Janet (Self)

                                 Suarez, Michael (Self)

                                 Tang, Melissa (Self)


                                 Cates, Andrew (Texas Nurses Association)

                                 Cooper, Kevin (Texas Nurse Practitioners)

                                 Harrell, Courtney (Self)

                                 Hopper, Jay (Self; Texas Association of Nurse Anesthetists)

                                 Leach, Steven (Self)

                                 Mackey, Mark (Self)

                                 Martin, Shelley (Self)

                                 Odell, Wendy (Self)

                                 Shannon, Kelley (Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas)

                                 Willmann, James (Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition)


                                 Robinson, Mari (Texas Medical Board)

            HB 2340


                                 Galligher, Duane (Pediatric Health Choice)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)


                                 Smith, Angela (Self)


                                 Adams, Chris (Department of Aging and Disability Services)

                                 Carruth, Lisa (HHSC)

                                 Ghasemi, Michael (HHSC)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Green, Calvin (Department of Aging and Disability Services)

                                 McDonald, Pam (HHSC)

                                 VanHoose, Laurie (HHSC)

            HB 2897


                                 Gloyna, David (Self; Texas Society of Anesthesiologists)


                                 Sjoberg, Elizabeth (Texas Hospital Association)


                                 Willmann, James (Texas Nurses Association)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bajwa, Kulvinder (Self; Harris county medical society)

                                 Bowes, Harrison (Self)

                                 Capelo, Jaime (Texas Chapter American College of Cardiology)

                                 Driver, Larry (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Hillert, Bobby (Texas Orthopaedic Assn)

                                 Hoang, Stephen (Self; Anesthesiologists for Children, Children's Health Dallas)

                                 Hughes, Lisa (Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Reed, Rachael (Self; Texas ophthalmological assoc)

                                 Reynolds, David (Texas Osteopathic Medical Association)

                                 Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)


                                 Ballew, Joel (Texas Health Resources)


                                 Hughes, Allison (Dept of state health services)

                                 John, Shine (Self; Texas Podiatric Medical Association)

            HB 3115


                                 Astoria, Katie (Self; Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of Texas)

                                 Austin, Laura (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Hollier, Lisa (TX Medical Association, TX Pediatric Society, American Congress

                                 Obstetricians & Gynecologists-TX, TX Association Obstet & Gynecol, Federation TX

                                 Psychiatry, TX Academ Family Physicians, March of Dimes)

                                 Kelly, Bill (Mental Health America of Greater Houston)

                                 Kimball, Mandi (Children at Risk)

                                 Levison, J udy (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 McFarland, Jane (Self; League of Women Voters)

                                 McFarland, Jane (Self; League of women voters Texas)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Thomas, Beth (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Confeence of Bishops)

                                 Bajwa, Kulvinder (Self; Harris county medical society)

                                 Banda, Jennifer (Texas Hospital Association)

                                 Barillas, Ph.D., Katherine (One voice texas)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodistbhealthcare ministries)

                                 Cavazos, Elaine (Self)

                                 Crockett, Sarah (Texas CASA)

                                 Del Gallo, Krista (Self; Texas Council on Family Violence)

                                 Francis, Will (National association of social workers - texas chapter)

                                 Graziani, Cate (Mental Health America of Texas)

                                 Guerra-Cardus, Laura (Children's Defense Fund-TX)

                                 Hampton, R. Moss (Self; Ob gyn physicians)

                                 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Texas)

                                 Hubbard, John (Coalition for Nurses in Advanced Practice)

                                 Johnson, Lee (Texas Council of Community Centers)

                                 Kreuzee, Donna (Self; Pregnancy and postpartum health alliance)

                                 Kreuzer, Paul (Self)

                                 Lam, Wilson (Self)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Ligon, Katharine (Center for publicpolicy priorities)

                                 Lucas, Shannon (March of Dimes)

                                 Massey, Shelby (Texas Association of Community Health Centers)

                                 Massingill, G. Sealy (Self)

                                 Mayes, Lisa (Harris County Healthcare Alliance)

                                 McRaney, Marian (Self)

                                 Perkins, Vicki (CHRISTUS Health)

                                 Rain, Marian (Self)

                                 Rauth, Virginia (Self)

                                 Rose, Lauren (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Sanchez, Jose (Young Invincibles)

                                 Sanchez, Jose (Young Invincibles)

                                 Schroeder, Rebekah (Texas Children's Hospital)

                                 Sepulveda, Gabriel (Nurse Family Partnership)

                                 Shipman, Courtney (Self; Doctors for change)

                                 Smith, Casey (United Ways of Texas)

                                 Steffes, Susan (Self)

                                 Tucker, Amy (Self)

                                 Tucker, Mark (Self)

                                 Woomer, Eric (Federation of Texas Psychiatry)

                                 Zitterkopf, PT, DPT, CLT, Gail (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Carruth, Lisa (HHSC)

                                 Ghasemi, Michael (HHSC)

                                 VanHoose, Laurie (HHSC)

            HB 3333


                                 Arnwine, Don (Irving Hospital Authority)

                                 Heath, Charles (Metrocrest hospital authority)

                                 Reed, Kevin (Metrocrest and Irving Hospital Authoritities)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Knaupe, Gregg (Seton Healthcare Family)

                                 Posey, Dan (Baylor Scott & White Health)

            HB 3366


                                 Galligher, Duane (Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Heal, John (Pharmacy Buying Association d/b/a Texas TrueCare Pharmacies)

                                 McLellan, Larry (Self; Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Warnken, Jeff (Self; Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)


                                 Dudensing, Jamie (Texas Association of Health Plans)


                                 Vasquez, Andy (HHSC)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Anderson, Gary (Self; Morris and Dickson)

                                 Cantu, Nario Rene (Self; Texas Pharmacy Assocation Board Member and Alliance of

                                 Independent Pharmacy Board Member)

                                 Cattles, Kenneth (Self; Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Conwell, Audra (Alliance of Independent of Texas)

                                 Dykes, James (Self)

                                 Fain, JD (Self; Texas Independent Pharmacies Association)

                                 Fry, Wilson B (Self)

                                 Hardin-oliver, Carole (Self)

                                 Holland, Brad (Self)

                                 Hudman, Justin (Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)

                                 Newberry, Mark (Self; Alliance of independent pharmacists)

                                 Spence, David (Self; Texas Pharmacy Association)

                                 Walsh, Ed (Self)

                                 Warnken, Sandra (Self)

                                 Wyatt, Anjanette (Self; Texas pharmacy association)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Wyatt, Damita (Self; Tx pharmacy association)

                                 Yoakum, Jennifer (Self; Alliance of Independent Pharmacists)


                                 Hammond, Bill (Texas Association of Business)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (Prime Therapeutics)


                                 Carruth, Lisa (HHSC)

                                 Ghasemi, Michael (HHSC)

            HR 922

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Austin, Laura (Self)

                                 Bajwa, Kulvinder (Self; Harris county medical society)

                                 Bujanda, Miryam (Methodistbhealthcare ministries)

                                 Chatelle, Melody (Self)

                                 Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)

                                 Gaetz, Susan (Self; Casting for Recovery)

                                 Leeman, Daniel (Self)
