Transportation Committee

            March 12, 2015 - 8:00 AM

            HB 392


                                 Crocker, Maureen (Gulf Coast Rail District)

                                 Eckstein, Deece (Ytavis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Frandsen, Chris (League of Woman Voters of Texas)

                                 Lee, Donald (Texas Conference of Urban Counties)


                                 Dixon, Don (Self)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bird, Brandi (Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition)

                                 Campbell, Drew (Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition)

                                 Courreges, Erin (City of San Antonio)

                                 Harris, Dana (Metro 8 Chambers of Commerce)

                                 Haywood, Scott (Move Texas Forward)

                                 Janes, Brandon (Transportation Advocates of Texas)

                                 Jones, Max (The greater houston partnership)

                                 Kearns, Dennis (Self)

                                 McGinnis, Larry (Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority)

                                 Mendez, Mark (Tarrant County Commissioners Court)

                                 Milloy, Ross (Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council)

                                 Minick, Stephen (Texas Asssociation of Business)

                                 Munoz, Ned (Texas Association of Builders)

                                 Reed, Charles (Dallas County)

                                 Shields, Chris (San Antonio Mobility Coalition)

                                 Suhm, Vic (Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition)

                                 Tagliabue, Tom (City of Corpus Christi)

                                 Williams, Nancy (City of Austin)

                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)


                                 Hall, Terri (Self; Texas TURF, Texans for Toll-free Highways)

                                 Harless, Barbara (Self; North Texas Citizen Lobby)


                                 Kuntz, Jeremiah (Texas Department of Motor Vehicles)

            HB 393


                                 Dixon, Don (Self)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Eckstein, Deece (Ytavis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Gonzalez, Daniel (Texas Association of REALTORS)

                                 Harris, Dana (Metro 8 Chambers of Commerce)

                                 Janes, Brandon (Transportation Advocates of Texas)

                                 Lehman, Mark (Texas Association of Realtors)

                                 Mendez, Mark (Tarrant County Commissioners Court)

                                 Milloy, Ross (Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council)

                                 Minick, Stephen (Texas Asssociation of Business)

                                 Shields, Chris (San Antonio Mobility Coalition)

                                 Suhm, Vic (Tarrant Regional Transportation Coalition)

                                 Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)


                                 Hall, Terri (Self; Texas TURF, Texans for Toll-free Highways)

                                 Harless, Barbara (Self; North Texas Citizen Lobby)


                                 Kuntz, Jeremiah (Texas Department of Motor Vehicles)

            HB 463

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 McLaurin, Kaleb (Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association)

                                 Pacheco, Michael (Texas Farm Bureau)

                                 Turner, Robert (Texas poultry federation)


                                 Hale, Bill (Texas Department of Transportation)

                                 Rundell, Steven (Texas Department of Public Safety)

            HB 594


                                 Eckstein, Deece (Ytavis County Commissioners Court)

                                 Esparza, John (Texas Trucking Association)

                                 Flanagan, Kelly (Texas Association of REALTORS)

                                 Marquardt, Anthony (Austin travis county ems association)

                                 Moeller, Rodney (Austin Police department)

                                 Pool, Leslie (Self)

                                 Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)


                                 Dixon, Don (Self)

                                 Hall, Terri (Self; Texas TURF, Texans for Toll-free Highways)


                                 Bass, James (Texas Department of Transportation)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Baker, Donald (Austin Police Department)

                                 Borskey, Mark (Texas Recreational Vehicle Association (TRVA))

                                 Burnam, Lon (Public citizen)

                                 Bushell, Gary (Self)

                                 Casaday, Kenneth (Self; Austin police association)

                                 Casar, Greg (Self; Austin city council district 4)

                                 Detlefsen, Barry (Self; Coastal Transport Co., Inc.)

                                 Findeisen, Les (Texas Trucking Association)

                                 Garza, Steven (Texas Association of Realtors)

                                 Gonzalez, Daniel (TExas Association of REALTORS)

                                 Harris, Dana (Austin Chamber of Commerce)

                                 Haywood, Scott (Move Texas Forward)

                                 Hiner, Harrison (Texas state employees union)

                                 Kittok, Michael (Self)

                                 Landry, Mitch (Self)

                                 Leal, Gloria (Texas alliance of energy producers)

                                 Lehman, Mark (Texas Association of Realtors)

                                 Moreno, Randy (Austin Firefighters Association)

                                 Munoz, Alfredo (Self; Caldwell County Commisnor)

                                 Nicks, Bob (Austin Firefighters Association)

                                 Reilly, Wendy (HID Global)

                                 Romero, Andrew (Austin police association)

                                 Shannon, Fred (Texas Association of Manufacturers)

                                 Shannon, Fred (Applied Materials)

                                 Shannon, Fred (Hewlett Packard)

                                 Smith, Melinda (CLEAT, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas)

                                 Wade, Brandon (City of Pflugerville)

                                 Weinberg, David (Texas League of Conservation Voters)

                                 Williams, Nancy (City of Austin)

                                 WYATT, Jim (Self; Texas Association of African Chambers of Commerce)


                                 Harless, Barbara (Self; North Texas Citizen Lobby)

            HB 691


                                 Cantu, Richard (East Aldine Management District)

                                 Utley, Sarah (Harris county attorneys office)

            HB 1107


                                 Rundell, Steven (Texas Department of Public Safety)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Findeisen, Les (Texas Trucking Association)

                                 Turner, Robert (Earthmoving contractors assn of Texas)

            HB 1252


                                 Detlefsen, Barry (Self; Coastal Transport Co., Inc.)

                                 Findeisen, Les (Texas Trucking Association)

                                 Riley, Kevin (Self; Fowler Transportation ltd.)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Baker, Donald (Austin Police Department)

                                 Haggerty, Shane (Self)

                                 Hufford, Ronald (Texas Forestry Association)

                                 Montelongo, Liza (Self)

                                 Morris, Joe (Texas Poultry Federation)

                                 Turner, Robert (Self; Texas poultry federation)

                                 Turner, Robert (Self; Earth Movers Contractors assn(ECAT))

                                 Woodard, Shayne (Texas association of dairymen)


                                 Rundell, Steven (Texas Department of Public Safety)
