Intergovernmental Relations
February 17, 2015 1:30 PM - or upon adjournment
Committee Jurisdiction
Allison, Jim General Counsel (also providing written testimony) (County Judges &
Commissioners Association of Texas), Austin, TX
Henneberger, John Co-Director (Texas Low Income Housing Information Service), Austin,
Irvine, Tim Executive Director (Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs),
Austin, TX
Jackson, Frank Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Affiliation of
Affordable Housing Providers), Austin, TX
Ledbetter Parham, Amy Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Habitat for
Humanity Texas), Buda, TX
Lee, Don Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Conference of
Urban Counties), Austin, TX
Long, David President (also providing written testimony) (Texas State Affordable Housing
Corporation), Austin, TX
Norman, Scott Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Association
of Builders), Austin, TX
Ramirez, Jorge Deputy Director, Disaster Recovery (also providing written testimony)
(Texas General Land Office), Austin, TX
Sandlin, Bennett Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Municipal
League), Austin, TX
Sugg, Paul Legislative Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Association of
Counties), Austin, TX
Suiter, Wes The Honorable Angelina County Judge & President (also providing written
testimony) (Angelina County & Texas Association of Regional Councils), Lufkin, TX
Taack, Justin Section Manager, Districts Section (also providing written testimony) (Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality), Austin, TX
Talerico, Jeanne Executive Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Association
of Local Housing Finance Agencies), Austin, TX