Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
March 10, 2016 9:00 AM
To study the state of Veteran Health and Mental Health in Texas
Rawson, Duane Mills county veterans office, (also providing written testimony) (Self;
Texas veterans commission), Goldthwaite, TX
To study the state of Veteran Health and Mental Heath in Texas
Andrews, Camella (Self), Baytown, TX
Blasini, Daniel VP Miltary affairs Warm Springs Rehab (Self; Warm Springs Rehab
Hospital San Antonio), San Antonio, TX
Cantu, Al Chairman (also providing written testimony) (Texas veterans commission),
Austin, TX
Gaines, Sonja (also providing written testimony) (HHSC), Austin, TX
Harrison, Romana (also providing written testimony) (Self), Tomball, TX
Hupp, Suzanna (also providing written testimony) (HHSC), Austin, TX
Katana, Princess (HHSC), Austin, TX
Kingsley, Scott LTC (also providing written testimony) (Texas Military Department),
Spicewood, TX
Lacefield lewis, Lauren Assistant commissioner (also providing written testimony)
(Department of state health services), Austin, TX
Looney, Jeremiah (also providing written testimony) (Self), Whitewright, TX
Mayer, Arthur (also providing written testimony) (Self), Burleson, TX
Migura, Zach President - VCSOAT (also providing written testimony) (Veterans County
Service Officers Association of Texas), Plano, TX
Mitchell, Kyle (also providing written testimony) (Meadows Mental Health Policy
Institute), Dallas, TX
Morgan, Katharine Ms. (also providing written testimony) (Self), Lake dallas, TX
Palladino, Thomas Executive director (also providing written testimony) (Texas veterans
commission), Austin, TX
Simental, Jesus Director (also providing written testimony) (Texas Veterans Commission),
Austin, TX
Sponsler, Shandra (also providing written testimony) (Texas Military Department), Austin,
Registering, but not testifying:
Catoe, Charles Director (Texas veterans commission), Austin, TX
Hanna, Sean Director (Texas veterans commission), Austin, TX
Providing written testimony:
Leonard, Aaron Executive Director, Project Rebirth (Project Rebirth), New York, NY
Towery, Glenn Chairman founder Veterans Suicide Prevention Chann (Self; Veterans
Suicide Prevention Channel), Round Rock, TX
To study Veteran courts in Texas
Cain, Camille Executive Director,CJD (Office of the Governor), Austin, TX
Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
March 10, 2016 9:00 AM
Christian, Wayne Judge (also providing written testimony) (Bexar County Veterans
Treatment Court), San Antonio, TX
Fuentes, Juan fuentens Militery liaison (Self; Warm springs), San antonio, TX
Glickler, David Judge (Self), San Marcos, TX
Parker, Randy Project Director Bexar County VTC (also providing written testimony)
(Self; Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court), San Antonio, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Prather, Jude Hays County VSO (Hays County), San Marcos, TX
To study Veteran employment policies in Texas state agencies
Bourgeois, Eugene Provost (Texas State University System/Texas State University), San
Marcos, TX
Davidson, Adam Director, Human Resources (Texas A&M University System Offices),
College Station, TX
Holt Cutrone, Susanna TWC Assistant General Counsel (Texas Workforce Commission),
Austin, Texas, TX
Kurtz, Stan Director, Veteran Employment Services (also providing written testimony)
(Texas Veterans Commission), Austin, TX
Stewart, Dan Associate Vice Chancellor (The University of Texas System), Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Algoe, Eric Vice president for finance (Texas state university system/texas state
University), San marcos, TX
Baker, Joni Director equal opportunity and diversity (The Texas A&M University System),
College station, TX
To study Veteran employment policies in Texas state agencies.
Pelayo, Lula District Director of Nursing and Allied Health (also providing written
testimony) (Alamo Colleges), San Antonio, TX