Amend HB 215 (senate committee report) in SECTION 2 of the bill as follows:
(1) In added Section 171.006(a)(3)(C), Health and Safety Code (page 2, line 24), following the underlined semicolon, strike "and".
(2) In added Section 171.006(a)(3)(D), Health and Safety Code (page 2, line 27), between "Services" and the underlined period, insert the following:
; and
(E) if known, whether the woman could not obtain the written consent described by Subdivision (1)(A) because:
(i) the woman's parent, managing conservator, or legal guardian is incarcerated;
(ii) the woman's parent, managing conservator, or legal guardian is incapable of giving consent because of drug or alcohol addiction or mental health issues;
(iii) the woman's parent, managing conservator, or legal guardian is deceased;
(iv) the woman does not know the location of or contact information for her parent, managing conservator, or legal guardian; or
(v) the woman is in foster care or in the managing conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services