Amend SB 2 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 4 of the bill as follows:
(1) Strike added Section 230.057, Insurance Code (page 8, lines 36 through 49), and substitute the following:
Sec. 230.057. REPORT OF NET COST IMPACT ON PUBLIC EDUCATION. (a) In this section, "net cost impact" means any difference in a state fiscal year between:
(1) the amount by which state spending on public education for that year is affected as a result of students receiving scholarships and educational expense assistance from the certified educational assistance organization under this chapter; and
(2) the amount by which state revenue derived from Chapters 221, 222, and 224 is affected as a result of tax credits under this chapter.
(b) Not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year, the comptroller shall determine the amount of net cost impact for the previous state fiscal biennium and make available to the public a report of that amount.
(c) If the difference under Subsection (a) is:
(1) positive, the report shall indicate a net savings to public education for the state fiscal year; or
(2) negative, the report shall indicate a net cost to public education for the state fiscal year.
(2) In SECTION 7 of the bill (page 10, line 60), strike "savings" and substitute "cost impact".
(3) In SECTION 7 of the bill (page 10, line 61), strike "savings" and substitute "impact".