Amend SB 3, by inserting the following new section where appropriate and renumber accordingly:
Sec. ______. FINDING OF LOSS OF SIGNIFICANT EVENT. (a) the governor's office of Economic Development and Tourism shall report all conventions, events, conventions and performances lost to the state as a direct result of the passage of Senate Bill 3, 85th First Called Special Legislative Session, or similar legislation;
(b) the report shall include a listing of all such events which declined to take place in the state due to the passage of the legislation, including the estimated economic activity and estimated employment that would have been gained if the loss of the event had not occurred. The report shall include a breakdown of those losses by business sector, broken down by county;
(c) office of Economic Development and Tourism shall present its findings to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives no later than September 1 of every year, beginning in 2018;
(d) should the findings by the office of Economic Development and Tourism confirm the loss of a major event due to the legislation no later than December 1 of that year, pending further action by the legislature;
(e) for the purpose of this subsection, a "major event" is defined as a super bowl, NBA all-star game, NFL Draft Event, MLB all-star game, NFL pro bowl, NCAA college football playoff game, or men's or women's NCAA Final Four in basketball;
(f) should the governor's office of Economic Development and Tourism fail to submit its findings by September 1 of any year, the Secretary of State shall suspend this Act no later than December 1 of that year.