Amend CSSB 6 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 24, line 15, strike "and".
(2)  On page 24, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following appropriately numbered subdivision and renumber subdivisions and any cross-references to those subdivisions accordingly:
(____)  the municipality holds an election in the municipality at which the qualified voters of the municipality may vote on the question of the annexation and a majority of the votes received at the election approve the annexation; and
(3)  On page 26, lines 26-27, strike "an election on the question of annexing an area" and substitute "separate elections as described by Section 43.0691".
(4)  On page 26, line 27, following "first", add "November".
(5)  On page 27, line 15, between "annexed" and "of", insert "and of the municipality".
(6)  On page 27, line 16, strike "the election" and substitute "each separate election".
(7)  On page 27, line 18, strike "the" and substitute "an".
(8)  On page 27, line 19, between "voters" and "do", insert "of the area proposed to be annexed or of the municipality".
(9)  On page 27, line 26, strike "the election" and substitute "each separate election".
(10)  On page 28, strike lines 10-19 and renumber sections and any cross-references to those sections of added Subchapter C-5, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, accordingly.