Amend CSSB 6 (house committee printing) on page 27, between lines 12 and 13, by inserting the following:
Sec. 43.06961. ANNEXATION ELECTION HELD BY SPECIAL DISTRICT. (a) In this section, "district" means a conservation and reclamation district operating under Chapter 49, Water Code. The term includes a municipal utility district operating under Chapter 54, Water Code. The term does not include:
(1) a groundwater conservation district operating under Chapter 36, Water Code; or
(2) a special utility district operating under Chapter 65, Water Code.
(b) Before ordering an election under Section 43.0696, a municipality that intends to annex an area consisting only of an entire district shall provide notice of its intent to order the election to the district not later than the 30th day before the date the municipality would order the election. Instead of being held by the municipality proposing annexation, the election under Section 43.0696 shall be ordered and held by the district in conjunction with its general election for officers if the date of the general election for officers occurs not earlier than the 120th day after the date the municipality provided notice of its intent under this subsection or later than the first anniversary of the date of notice. The district shall notify the municipality of an election required by this subsection before the date the municipality would order the election.
(c) An election required by Subsection (b) shall be held in the same manner as other district elections except that:
(1) the municipality shall pay the costs of the election; and
(2) the district shall provide notice of the election results to district residents in the manner provided by Section 43.0697 and to the municipality.
(d) For purposes of this subchapter, an election held by a district under this section is considered an election held by a municipality under Section 43.0696.
(e) A special law governing the payment of costs for an annexation election controls over Subsection (c)(1).