Amend CSSB 6 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) Strike page 19, line 22, through page 20, line 4, and substitute the following:
Sec. 43.0681. AUTHORITY TO ANNEX. A municipality may annex an area with a population of less than 200 only if the municipality obtains consent to annex the area through a petition signed by more than 50 percent of the registered voters of the area.
(2) On page 21, line 7, strike "and property owner".
(3) On page 21, lines 21-22, strike "Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), the" and substitute "The".
(4) Strike page 21, line 25, through page 22, line 7.
(5) On page 22, line 24, strike "and property owners".
(6) On page 24, strike lines 9-19 and substitute the following:
Sec. 43.0691. AUTHORITY TO ANNEX. A municipality may annex an area with a population of 200 or more only if the municipality holds an election in the area proposed to be annexed at which the qualified voters of the area may vote on the question of the annexation and a majority of the votes received at the election approve the annexation.
(7) On page 26, strike lines 13-25, and renumber sections and any cross-references to sections of added Subchapter C-5, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, accordingly.
(8) On page 27, line 1, strike the underlined colon.
(9) On page 27, strike lines 2-6 and substitute "the 90th day after the date the governing body of the municipality adopts the resolution under Section 43.0692.".
(10) On page 27, line 13, strike "AND PETITION".
(11) On page 27, lines 16-17, strike "and, if applicable, of the petition required by Section 43.0695".
(12) On page 27, lines 19-22, strike "or if the municipality is required to petition owners of land in the area under Section 43.0695 and does not obtain the required number of signatures,".
(13) On page 27, line 27, through page 28, line 2, strike "and if the municipality, as applicable, obtains the required number of petition signatures under Section 43.0695,".