Amend SB 6 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 4 of the bill, strike added Section 43.0117(b), Local Government Code (page 2, lines 33-41), and substitute the following:
(b)  Notwithstanding any other law, a municipality may annex for full or limited purposes any part of the area located within one-quarter mile of the boundaries of a military base in which an active training program is conducted only if the municipality and the military base enter into a memorandum of agreement to establish provisions to maintain the compatibility of the municipality's regulation of land in the area with the military base operations following the annexation.
(2)  In SECTION 26 of the bill, strike added Section 43.0681, Local Government Code (page 8, lines 42-45), and substitute the following:
Sec. 43.0681.  AUTHORITY TO ANNEX. A municipality may annex an area with a population of less than 200 only if the following conditions are met, as applicable:
(1)  the municipality obtains consent to annex the area through a petition signed by more than 50 percent of the registered voters of the area; and
(2)  if the registered voters of the area do not own more than 50 percent of the land in the area, the petition described by Subdivision (1) is signed by more than 50 percent of the owners of land in the area.
(3)  In SECTION 26 of the bill, in added Section 43.0683, Local Government Code (page 9, line 6), between "resident" and "in", insert "and property owner".
(4)  In SECTION 26 of the bill, in added Section 43.0685, Local Government Code (page 9, line 19), strike "The" and substitute "Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), the".
(5)  In SECTION 26 of the bill, between added Sections 43.0685(a) and (b), Local Government Code (page 9, between lines 21 and 22), insert the following:
(a-1)  If the registered voters of the area proposed to be annexed do not own more than 50 percent of the land in the area, the petition required by Section 43.0681 may also be signed by the owners of land in the area that are not registered voters. Notwithstanding Subsection (e), the municipality may provide for an owner of land in the area that is not a resident of the area to sign the petition electronically.
(a-2)  The petition must clearly indicate that the person is signing as a registered voter of the area, an owner of land in the area, or both.
(6)  In SECTION 26 of the bill, in added Section 43.0686(a), Local Government Code (page 9, lines 37-38), between "residents" and "of", insert "and property owners".
(7)  In SECTION 26 of the bill, in added Section 43.0695(b), Local Government Code (page 11, lines 3-4), strike "Section 43.0685" and substitute "Sections 43.0685(b)-(e)".