85S12644 BPG-D
  By: Hernandez H.R. No. 354
         WHEREAS, Navidad En El Barrio of Houston is celebrating its
  30th anniversary in 2017; and
         WHEREAS, Since 1987, Navidad En El Barrio has hosted events
  designed to bring joy to those in need; its premier event, the
  Christmas Program, is a holiday party for children from Title I
  schools; students from low-income families receive gifts as well as
  books and healthy food, and an essay contest provides the
  opportunity to win such prizes as bicycles and gift cards; at the
  same time, by bringing a canned good for donation to a local food
  pantry, youngsters learn that they, too, can make a positive
  difference; and
         WHEREAS, More than 10,000 presents are distributed on the day
  of the party; in addition, area youth provide entertainment, which
  shows smaller children what they might achieve by honing their own
  talents; after an appearance by Pancho Claus, Santa Claus rides in
  on a motorcycle, escorted by members of the Houston Police
  Department Officers Riding Club, who help boys and girls develop a
  friendly rapport with law enforcement; and
         WHEREAS, Expanding its outreach, NEEB has implemented a
  number of other programs, among them a party for children whose
  mothers are incarcerated at the Harris County Jail and a dance
  competition with lunch and door prizes for some 400 senior
  citizens; it also takes at-risk teens to the Houston Livestock Show
  and Rodeo and treats them to a holiday party where each guest
  receives books and a substantial gift card; moreover, it sponsors a
  college scholarship to encourage academic achievement among eighth
  graders, who can qualify for an additional $500 grant every year
  until they reach a total of $2,500 at graduation; and
         WHEREAS, Navidad En El Barrio has benefited a host of Houston
  residents over the past three decades, and it is indeed a pleasure
  to recognize this noteworthy organization as it celebrates this
  significant milestone in its history; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby congratulate Navidad En El
  Barrio on its 30th anniversary and extend to the organization
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.