85S11244 JGH-D
  By: Moody H.R. No. 367
         WHEREAS, Jerry McTernan retired from the El Paso County
  Commissioners Court in January 2017, and his exemplary career in
  public service is indeed deserving of special recognition; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. McTernan earlier served his nation in the
  U.S. Air Force, where he was named Military Person of the Year for
  the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing in 1982 and earned an honorable
  discharge at the rank of sergeant in 1984; he received his
  bachelor's degree in business management from The University of
  Texas at El Paso in 1988, and from 1990 to 2000, he ran his own
  company, A. V. Electronic Service Center; and
         WHEREAS, In 2000, Mr. McTernan became the administrator of
  the El Paso County Medical Examiner's Office, where he supervised
  the non-physician staff and oversaw the office's administrative
  functions; from 2001 to 2006, he served as case manager at the
  public defender's office, supervising the support staff and
  providing daily assistance to more than 30 attorneys; he accepted a
  post as senior administrative assistant at the commissioners court
  in 2007, and over the course of his tenure there, he worked closely
  with three commissioners for Precinct 4, Dan Haggerty, Pat Abeln,
  and Andrew Haggerty; in addition to his involvement in the
  day-to-day activities of the Precinct 4 office, he represented the
  commissioner on several committees and stood in for him at meetings
  of the Rio Grande Council of Governments and at various public
  gatherings; and
         WHEREAS, During his outstanding career with the county,
  Mr. McTernan was responsible for several special projects,
  including the comprehensive evaluation of the medical examiner's
  office and the establishment of policy and procedures for property
  donations and guidelines for juror donations; and
         WHEREAS, Long active in his community, Mr. McTernan has given
  freely of his time and talents as vice chair of the El Paso County
  Risk Pool Board, as co-chair of the El Paso County Employees
  Combined Charities Campaign, as a board member for the El Paso
  Better Business Bureau and the Northeast Rotary Club, and as a
  mentor for young people for Sun City Behavioral Health; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. McTernan's consummate professionalism and deep
  commitment to public service have greatly benefited his fellow
  citizens while earning him the respect and appreciation of his many
  colleagues, and he may indeed reflect with pride on a career well
  spent; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby commend Jerry McTernan for
  his myriad contributions to the people of El Paso County and extend
  to him sincere best wishes for continued success in all his
  endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. McTernan as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.