relating to protection of energy critical infrastructure. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 418, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subchapter I to read as follows: |
FORCE. (a) In this section, "energy critical infrastructure" |
means an electrical power generation facility, substation, |
switching station, electrical control center, or electrical |
transmission or distribution facility and includes an associated |
electronic control center and other electronic infrastructure used |
in electric power delivery. |
(b) The electromagnetic threat preparedness task force is |
created. The task force shall coordinate with the Commission to |
Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse |
(EMP) Attack, the United States Department of Defense, the United |
States Department of Energy, and the United States Department of |
Homeland Security to apply research and information on |
electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. |
(c) The task force consists of 10 members appointed by the |
chief described by Section 418.041. Each member must be a regional |
emergency management representative or other employee of the |
Department of Public Safety the chief determines could make |
valuable contributions to the development of the plan under |
Subsection (d)(4). |
(d) The task force shall: |
(1) identify technical and electronic resources to |
assist the division in the division's functions; |
(2) implement a program to educate owners and |
operators of energy critical infrastructure and vital utility |
facilities and emergency responders about electromagnetic, |
geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats; |
(3) evaluate emergency planning, response procedures, |
and supporting technologies related to electromagnetic, |
geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats; and |
(4) develop a comprehensive threat protection and |
recovery plan for energy critical infrastructure and vital utility |
facilities of this state against electromagnetic, geomagnetic, |
physical, and cyber-attack threats. |
(e) Information collected by the task force related to the |
security of the electric grid is confidential and is not subject to |
disclosure under Chapter 552. Each member of the task force and any |
third-party individual with access to information under this |
section shall sign a nondisclosure agreement stating that the |
individual will not disclose to the public any sensitive or |
identifiable information related to grid security measures or |
plans. |
(f) Not later than July 1, 2018, the task force shall |
prepare and submit to the governor and the legislature a report of |
the task force's findings and recommendations. |
(g) A member of the task force established under this |
section is not entitled to compensation. Members may be reimbursed |
for expenses as follows: |
(1) a member is entitled to reimbursement for travel |
and other necessary expenses as provided by the General |
Appropriations Act; and |
(2) a member appointed as a representative of a state |
agency is eligible for reimbursement for travel and other necessary |
expenses according to the applicable agency's policies. |
(h) This section expires December 1, 2018. |
Sec. 418.202. TECHNOLOGICAL HAZARDS. (a) In this section, |
"energy critical infrastructure" means an electrical power |
generation facility, substation, switching station, electrical |
control center, or electrical transmission or distribution |
facility and includes an associated electronic control center and |
other electronic infrastructure used in electric power delivery. |
(b) The division shall consider implementation of the |
comprehensive threat protection and recovery plan developed by the |
electromagnetic threat preparedness task force for energy critical |
infrastructure and vital utility facilities of this state against |
electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. |
(c) The governor may instruct an agency to take actions as |
are necessary to implement the comprehensive threat protection and |
recovery plan developed by the electromagnetic threat preparedness |
task force as funding becomes available. |
(d) Information collected by the division related to the |
security of the electric grid is confidential and is not subject to |
disclosure under Chapter 552. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 39, Utilities Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter M to read as follows: |
Sec. 39.601. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Committee" means the Electric Grid Security |
Advisory Committee. |
(2) "Energy critical infrastructure" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 418.202, Government Code. |
NONDISCLOSURE. (a) Information related to the security of the |
electric grid is confidential and is not subject to disclosure |
under Chapter 552, Government Code. |
(b) Each individual with access to information related to |
the security of the electric grid under this subchapter shall sign a |
nondisclosure agreement stating that the individual will not |
disclose to the public any sensitive or identifiable information |
related to grid security measures or plans. |
(a) The Electric Grid Security Advisory Committee is composed of |
the following members: |
(1) two members appointed by the governor; |
(2) two members appointed by the lieutenant governor; |
and |
(3) two members appointed by the speaker of the house |
of representatives. |
(b) The governor shall designate a member of the committee |
to serve as presiding officer. |
(c) The committee shall convene at the call of the presiding |
officer. |
(d) The committee shall review the findings of the |
electromagnetic threat preparedness task force. |
(e) A member of the committee is not entitled to |
compensation but is entitled to reimbursement for the member's |
travel expenses as provided by Chapter 660, Government Code, and |
the General Appropriations Act. |
(f) A vacancy on the committee shall be filled for the |
unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. |
(g) The committee is not subject to Chapter 2110, Government |
Code. |
(h) Not later than September 1, 2018, the committee shall |
prepare a report of its findings, including any recommendations for |
legislation resulting from the findings, and shall submit the |
report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of |
the house of representatives. |
(i) The committee's work relates to sensitive matters of |
security. Notwithstanding any other law, the meetings, work, and |
findings of the committee are not subject to the requirements of |
Chapter 551 or 552, Government Code. |
(j) A member of the committee may not be a member or employee |
of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, the Federal |
Energy Regulatory Commission, or the Electric Power Research |
Institute. |
(k) This section expires January 1, 2019. |
Sec. 39.604. GRID PROTECTION. (a) This section applies |
to: |
(1) a transmission and distribution utility; |
(2) an owner of a power generation facility; |
(3) an electric cooperative operating in ERCOT; |
(4) a river authority operating in ERCOT; and |
(5) a municipally owned utility operating in ERCOT. |
(b) Not later than December 31, 2018, each entity to which |
this section applies shall assess and report to the technological |
hazards unit of the Texas Division of Emergency Management the |
vulnerabilities the equipment, facilities, and systems the entity |
uses to provide power have to the following: |
(1) a high altitude electromagnetic pulse device; |
(2) geomagnetic storms; |
(3) intentional electromagnetic interference; |
(4) a physical attack; and |
(5) a cyber attack. |
(c) This section is not intended to penalize electric |
providers in this state. If vulnerabilities in the security of the |
electric grid in this state are identified through the process |
established in this section and the legislature, in consultation |
with the governor, determines enhancements to energy critical |
infrastructure of the electric grid are necessary, the legislature |
may determine whether enhancements will be funded by appropriating |
general revenue of this state, by a new ratepayer cost recovery |
mechanism, or by a combination of those methods. |
SECTION 3. The governor, the lieutenant governor, and the |
speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint members to |
the Electric Grid Security Advisory Committee, as required by this |
Act, as soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act, |
but not later than the 120th day after the effective date of this |
Act. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect December 1, 2017. |