Public Health Committee
July 26, 2017 - 8:30 AM
For :
Banks, Yannis (Texas naacp)
Jones, Marsha (Self; The Afiya Center)
Kreuzer, Donna (Self; Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of Texas.)
Mann, Fatima (Self; Counter Balance Foundation)
Perkins, Cheryl (Self)
Person, Maria (Self)
Turner, Darline (Self; Mamas on Bedrest &Beyond)
On :
French, Lesley (The Health and Human Services Commission)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Allen, Mary (Texas Association of Community Health Centers)
Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Anderson, Cheasty (Children's Defense Fund- Texas)
Astoria, Katie (Self; Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of Texas)
Blanton, Dana (Self)
Bostur, Jill (Self)
Buchanan, Maggie Jo (Young Invincibles)
Burleson, John (Self; Travis County Resistance)
Burleson, John (Self; Travis County Resistance)
Busby, Heather (Self; NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)
Cavazos, Elaine (Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of Texas)
Chambers, Courtney (Self)
Collins, Karen (Self)
Daverth, Gwen (Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy)
Del Bosque, Nora (March of Dimes)
Driscoll, Riley (Self)
Finch, Dan (Texas Medical Association)
Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)
Garcia, Andrea (League of Women Voters-TX)
Garcia-Ditta, Alexa (Self)
George, Nancy (Self; Doctors For Change)
George, Nancy (Self)
Gonzalez, Leah (Texas Women's Healthcare Coalition)
Gonzalez, Sara (Texas Hospital Association)
Hansch, Greg (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) TX)
Hollier, Lisa (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists-Texas District,
Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, Texas Children's Hospital)
Howard, Laura (Self; Grants Manager, Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Alliance of
Howell, Sula (Self)
Kerker, Juliana (American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists-Texas District,
Texas Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
Kohler, Adriana (Texans Care for Children)
Kreuzer, Paul (Self)
Long, Maryann (Self)
Marques, Rebecca (Aclu of Texas)
Massey, Shelby (American Heart Association)
Medina, Sylvia (Self)
Montgomery, Elizabeth (Self)
Parkinson, Thomas (Self)
Robinson, Deneen (Self; The Afiya Center)
Public Health Committee
Rocap, Blake (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)
Sabo, Jason (Children at Risk)
Saxon, Lucinda (Legacy Community Health)
Schleifer, Jessica (Teaching Hospitals of Texas)
Scoggins, Meghan (Self)
Scott, Kim (Self)
Shapiro, Rachel (Self)
Sikes, Linda (Self)
Stein, Lucy (Self; Progress Texas)
Travis, Clayton (Texas Pediatric Society)
Valentine, Ryan (Texas Freedom Network)
Wall, Catharine (Self)
Williams, Amanda (Self; Lilith Fund)
Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives)
Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas)
Against :
Forman, Bettie (Self)
On :
Hall, Manda (Department of State Health Services)