HB 28


              Public Health Committee

              July 26, 2017 - 8:30 AM

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Allen, Mary (Texas Association of Community Health Centers)

                                 Banks, Yannis (Texas naacp)

                                 Blanton, Dana (Self)

                                 Burleson, John (Self; Travis County Resistance)

                                 Busby, Heather (Self; NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Cates, Andrew (Texas Nurses Association)

                                 Chambers, Courtney (Self)

                                 Collins, Karen (Self)

                                 Driscoll, Riley (Self)

                                 Francis, Will (National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter)

                                 Garcia-Ditta, Alexa (Self)

                                 Hansch, Greg (Self; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) TX)

                                 Howell, Sula (Self)

                                 Kohler, Adriana (Texans Care for Children)

                                 Long, Maryann (Self)

                                 Marques, Rebecca (Aclu of Texas)

                                 Montgomery, Elizabeth (Self)

                                 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

                                 Person, Maria (Self)

                                 Rocap, Blake (NARAL Pro-Choice Texas)

                                 Scoggins, Meghan (Self)

                                 Scott, Kim (Self)

                                 Shapiro, Rachel (Self)

                                 Stein, Lucy (Self; Progress Texas)

                                 Valentine, Ryan (Texas Freedom Network)

                                 Wall, Catharine (Self)

                                 Wilson, Wendy (Consortium of Texas Certified Nurse-Midwives)

                       On :

                                 Hall, Manda (Department of State Health Services)
