Senate Committee Report
Business & Commerce
July 23, 2017 - 2:00 PM
Brown, Rusty Vice President (also providing written testimony) (Self) , Granbury, TX
Cahn, Adam (Cahnman's Musings), Austin, TX
Dickey, James Chairman (Self; Republican Party of Texas), Lakeway, TX
Harry, Martin Mr. (also providing written testimony) (Self) , Austin, TX
Nelsen, Maxford Director of Labor Policy (also providing written testimony) (Freedom
Foundation), Olympia, WA
Peacock, Bill (also providing written testimony) (Texas Public Policy Foundation),
Austin, TX
Spilman, Annie Legislative director (also providing written testimony) (National
Federation of Independent Business/Texas), Austin, TX
Arismendez, Edward (Self) , Beeville, TX
Balakrishnan, Revathi (Self; TSTA), Austin, TX
Barasch, Joan (Self) , San antonio, TX
Brown, Valarie (Self; Textas state teacher organization), Austin, TX
Butler, Casey (Self) , Austin, TX
Callaway, Anthony (Self) , Georgetown, TX
Carter, Joe Sb7 (Self) , Lockhart, TX
Casaday, Kenneth President of apa (Self; Austin police association), Austin tx, TX
Cole, Cynthia (Self; Afscme 1550), Houston TX, TX
Cottingham, Anissa (Afscme), Houston, TX
Dewey, Andrew (Self) , Houston, TX
Dunlap, Traci (Self) , Austin, TX
Fickel, Ann Associate Executive Director (Texas Classroom Teachers Association),
Austin, TX
Garza, David Kindergarten Teacher (Self; San Antonio Alliance), San Antonio, TX
Godsey, Gary Executive Director (Association of Texas Professional Educators), Austin,
Gray, Tonja (Self; ATPE), Abilene, TX
Haley, Micah State parole (Self; Texas state employee union), Cedar hill, TX
Harding, Vincent (Self; Chair of Travis County Democratic Party), Austin, TX
Leeton, Scott (Self; Corpus christi police officers' association), Corpus christi, TX
Lowry, Lance (also providing written testimony) (Self; AFSCME Texas Correctinal
Employees - Huntsville), Huntsville, TX
Lucas, Michael CO V TDCJ (TDCJ), Hamilton, TX
Mashberg, Amy (Self) , Austin, TX
McIntosh, Leah TCSO Dispatcher (Self) , Austin, TX
Mendez, Richard Correctional officer (Self; Local 2974), Texas, TX
Mondragon, Lance Sergeant (Self; AFSCME Texas Corrections), Lubbock, TX, TX
Senate Committee Report
Business & Commerce
Ovalle, Antonio (Self) , Donna, TX
Perkins, Cindy (Self; Texas state teachers association), Pflugerville, TX
Plock, August (Self) , Pflugerville, TX
Salazar, Richard Laundry Manager 2 (Self; AFSCME Local 3806), Palestine, TX
Saldana, Susie Ex Director (Self; CCAUSE United Teachers ans School Employees),
Corpus Christi, TX
Schwarze, Shannon (Self; San Antonio Alliance), San Antonio, TX
Seaton, Susan Teacher (Self) , San Marcos, TX
Thigpen, Kasey Educator (Self; Education Austin), Austin, TX
Traffas, Paula (Self) , Austin, TX
Vickrey, Cameron (Self; Pastors for tx children), San antonio, TX
Wilkison, Charley Executive Director (Self; Combined Law Enforcement Associations
of Texas), Austin, TX
Zarifis, Ken (Self; Education Austin), Austin, TX
Registering, but not testifying:
Bohnert, Henry (Self) , Brazoria, TX
Burgin, Matt (Texas Food & Fuel Association), Austin, TX
DeWitt, Cathy Vice President (Texas Association of Business), Austin, TX
Fisher, Jon President (Associated Builders and Contractors of Texas), Austin, TX
Keener, Justin (Americans for Prosperity - Texas), Austin, TX
Keener, Justin (The Deason Family), Austin, TX
Matocha, Dustin Executive Director (Self; Empower Texans), Austin, TX
McDonald, Tony General Counsel (Self; Empower Texans), Austin, TX
Pate, Gardner (Texas Building Owners and Managers Association (Texas BOMA)),
Austin, TX
Tredway, CJ (Independent Electrical Contractors of Texas), Austin, TX
Wright, Felicia Associate Director, Legislative & Political Affair (Texas Association of
Builders), Austin, TX
Aguilar, Leonard (Self; Texas Building Trades), Austin, TX
Albert, David Dr. (Self; ACC American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX
Alvarado, Aidan (Self; Texas State Association of Firefighters), Laredo, TX
Banks, Yannis (Texas NAACP), Austin, TX
Bartholomew, Dana (Self; AFSCME1624), Pflugerville, TX
Blanton, Chris (Self; AFSCME Local 1624), Austin, TX
Blanton, Dana (Self) , Austin, TX
Booker, Denee (Self) , Austin, TX
Burguete, Cristy (Self) , San Antonio, TX
Burleson, Anna Belle (Self) , Austin, TX
Burleson, John Mr (Self; Travis County Resistance), Austin, TX
Senate Committee Report
Business & Commerce
Castillo, Marie (Self; Texas Department of Criminal Justice), Lubbock, TX
Cato, Genevieve (Self) , Austin, TX
Collins, Karen (Self) , Austin, TX
Conrad, Tammy Petty (Self) , Round Rock, TX
Cuellar, Guadalupe Legislative Attorney (City of El Paso), El Paso, TX
Dally, William Retiree (Self; Retired state employees association), Austin, TX
Davis, Denise (Texas Public Employees Association), Austin, TX
Delp, Bo (Self) , Austin, TX
Deshields, Glenn (Texas State Association of Fire Fighters), Austin, TX
Drummond, Marie (Self) , Del Valle, TX
Eckhart, Harley Executive Director (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors
Association), Austin, TX
Flores, Armando (Self) , Kyle, TX
Forbes, Lee (Self) , Austin, TX
Fowler, Elaina Executive Director (AFSCME Texas Retirees), Austin, TX
Frijhoff, Anita (Self) , Austin, TX
Gonzalez, Ana Legislative Director (Self; Workers Defense Project), Austin, TX
Gregg, Brock (Self) , Pflugerville, TX
Grey, John Government Relations Specialist (Texas State Teachers Association), Austin,
Griggs, Michell Food service manager 2 (Self; Asfcme), Lubbock, TX
Guthrie, Carol (Self) , Liberty hill, TX
Hallford, Currie Legislative Rep (Self; Texas Political & Legislative Committee/CWA),
Austin, TX
Hamill, Joe Legislative and Political Director (American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees), Austin, TX
Hartman, Eric (Self; Texas AFT (American Federation of Teachers), Austin, TX
Hernandez, Alisa (Self) , Austin, TX
Hernandez, Ana (Self) , Austin, TX
Hernandez, Pamela (Self) , Austin, TX
Hoang, Vi (Self) , Austin, TX
Hutchinson, Seth Vice President (Self; Texas State Employees Union), Austin, TX
Jennings, Steven (Self) , Spring Branch, TX
Jones, Taylor (Self; Texas State Employees Union), Austin, TX
Jones, Taylor (Self) , Austin, TX
Jones, Thomas (Self) , San Antonio, TX
Kennedy, Mary (Self) , Austin, TX
Kiluk, Todd (Self) , Austin, TX
Knight, Eben Mr (Self) , Austin, TX
Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA)), Austin, TX
Lara, Rene Legislative Dir. (Self; Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX
Senate Committee Report
Business & Commerce
Lowry, April (Self; AFSCME), Huntsville, TX
Lucas, Michael CO V (Texas Department of Criminal Justice), Hamilton, TX
Maldonado, Mark (Self) , Austin, TX
Malfaro, Louis President Texas AFT (Self; Texas American Federation of Teachers),
Austin, TX, TX
Miller, Nichole (Self) , Austin, TX
Moeller, Becky (Self) , Corpus christi, TX
Moore, Craig (Self) , Austin, TX
Moore, Nathan (Self) , Austin, TX
Nichols, Colby (Texas Association of Community Schools; Texas Rural Education
Association), Austin, TX
Nixon, Tonya (Self; Afscme), Cedar creek, TX
Noble, Shannon Government Affairs Counsel (Texas Industrial Vocational Association
(TIVA)), Austin, TX
O'Brien, Kristen (Self) , Austin, TX
Oakley, Keith (Dallas Fire Fighters Association (DFFA) and Dallas Retired Firefighters
Association (DRFFA)), Austin, TX
Oliver, Matt (Self) , Austin, TX
Orosco, Esperanza (Self) , Kyle, TX
Patterson, Anitra (Self) , Dallas, TX
Person, Maria (Self) , Austin, TX
Peterson, Loren (Self) , San Antonio, TX
Powers, Maureen (Self; Afscme Texas Retirees), Austin, TX
Rocap, Blake (Self) , Austin, TX
Rotkoff, Jeff (Self; Texas AFLCIO), Austin, TX
Russell, Claudia (El Paso County, Texas), Austin, TX
Salazar, David (Self) , Kyle, TX
Sheehan, Kara (Self; Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX
Sheldon, Tyler Legislative director (Texas State Employees Union), Austin, TX
Shelor, Suzy (Self) , Austin, TX
Siegel, Michael (Self) , Austin, TX
Siegelin, Cheri (Self; Afscme local 3807), Huntsville, TX
Sikes, Linda (Self) , Tx, TX
Sills, Edward (Self; Texas AFL-CIO), Austin, TX
Slavin, Carolyn (Self) , Austin, TX
Smith, Arianna Counsel, Public Affairs, CLEAT (Self; Combined Law Enforcement
Associations of Texas), Austin, TX
Solis, Eddie (City of Houston), Austin, TX
Stevens, Wendy (Self) , Austin, TX
Suits, Stacy Travis County Constable (Self; Travis County Constable Pct 3), Austin, TX
Senate Committee Report
Business & Commerce
Tagliabue, Tom Director, Intergovernmental Relations (City of Corpus Christi), Corpus
Christi, TX
Takeuchi, Mark (Self) , Austin, TX
Turrubiarte, Rebecca (Self) , Austin, TX
Veit, Kristie (Self) , Corpus christi, TX
Villarreal, Johnny Legislative director (Houston fire fighters local 341), Houston, TX
Walker, Scheleen (Self) , Austin, TX
Wall, Catharine (Self) , Austin, TX
Weatherman, Ben (Self) , Austin, TX
Weems, Amanda (Self; AFSCME 1624, YALL in Austin), Austin, TX
Weems, Amanda (Self) , Austin, TX
Wiggins, Mark (Self; Association of Texas Professional Educators), Austin, TX
Wilson, Elizabeth (Self) , Austin, TX
Youssefnia, Julia (Self) , Austin, TX
Coleman, Rob Director, Fiscal Management (Comptroller of Public Accounts), Austin,