Amend CSHB 7 (house committee report) by striking page 26, line 17, through page 27, line 4, and substituting the following:
Sec. 266.005.  CONSULTATION FOR HEALTH CARE. (a) Before a court may render an order requiring or prohibiting specific healthcare services, procedures, or treatments, including mental health care services, procedures, or treatments, for a child in the conservatorship of the department, the court shall consider whether a healthcare professional, acting within the health professional's scope of practice as prescribed by state law, has been consulted regarding the proposed care. If the court finds that a healthcare professional has been consulted and the court declines to follow the recommendation of the healthcare professional, the court shall make findings in the record supporting the court's order.
(b)  Subsection (a) does not apply if the court:
(1)  finds there is an urgent need for medical or behavioral intervention and there is not time consistent with the circumstances and the child's health, safety, or well-being to consult with a healthcare professional; or
(2)  directs a child to receive an examination or assessment by an appropriate healthcare professional.
(c)  If a court renders an order under circumstances described by Subsection (b)(1), the court shall order consultation with an appropriate healthcare professional as soon as practicable.