Amend Amendment No. 14 by S. Davis to CSHB 7 (house committee report) on page 1 of the amendment as follows:
(1) Strike through lines 4 through 15 and substitute the following:
Sec. 266.005. CONSULTATION FOR HEALTH CARE. (a) A court may not render an order requiring or prohibiting specific healthcare services, procedures, or treatments, including mental health care services, procedures, or treatments, for a child in the conservatorship of the department, unless a healthcare professional, acting within the scope of the healthcare professional's practice as prescribed by state law, has been consulted as to the proposed care. If the court finds that a healthcare professional has been consulted and the court declines to follow the recommendation of the healthcare professional, the court shall make findings in the record supporting the court's order.
(2) On line 17, strike "urgent" and substitute "immediate".
(3) After line 26, insert the following:
(d) Evidence of a health professional's recommendation for proposed care under Subsection (a) is not inadmissible on the grounds that it is hearsay evidence or that it is not authenticated if the judge considers the evidence to be otherwise reliable.