Amend CSHB 7 (senate committee report) by adding the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS and renumbering the SECTIONS of the bill as appropriate:
SECTION ____.  Section 109.331(d), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is amended to read as follows:
(d)  This section does not apply to a [foster group home, foster family home,] family home, specialized child-care [agency group] home, or agency foster home as those terms are defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code.
SECTION ____.  Section 29.081(d), Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
(d)  For purposes of this section, "student at risk of dropping out of school" includes each student who is under 26 years of age and who:
(1)  was not advanced from one grade level to the next for one or more school years;
(2)  if the student is in grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12, did not maintain an average equivalent to 70 on a scale of 100 in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year or is not maintaining such an average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum in the current semester;
(3)  did not perform satisfactorily on an assessment instrument administered to the student under Subchapter B, Chapter 39, and who has not in the previous or current school year subsequently performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument;
(4)  if the student is in prekindergarten, kindergarten, or grade 1, 2, or 3, did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test or assessment instrument administered during the current school year;
(5)  is pregnant or is a parent;
(6)  has been placed in an alternative education program in accordance with Section 37.006 during the preceding or current school year;
(7)  has been expelled in accordance with Section 37.007 during the preceding or current school year;
(8)  is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release;
(9)  was previously reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) to have dropped out of school;
(10)  is a student of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section 29.052;
(11)  is in the custody or care of the Department of Family and Protective [and Regulatory] Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official;
(12)  is homeless, as defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 11302, and its subsequent amendments; or
(13)  resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, cottage home operation, specialized child-care home, or general residential operation [foster group home].
SECTION ____.  Section 101.0133, Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 101.0133.  FOSTER CARE. "Foster care" means the placement of a child who is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services and in care outside the child's home in a residential child-care facility, including an [agency foster group home,] agency foster home, specialized child-care [foster group] home, cottage [foster] home operation, general residential operation, or another facility licensed or certified under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, in which care is provided for 24 hours a day.
SECTION ____.  Section 101.017, Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 101.017.  LICENSED CHILD PLACING AGENCY. "Licensed child placing agency" means a person, including an organization or corporation, licensed or certified under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, by the Department of Family and Protective Services to place a child in an adoptive home or a residential child-care facility, including a child-care facility, agency foster home, cottage home operation, or general residential operation [agency foster group home, or adoptive home].
SECTION ____.  Section 262.011, Family Code, as added by Chapter 338 (H.B. 418), Acts of the 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 262.011.  PLACEMENT IN SECURE AGENCY FOSTER HOME [OR SECURE AGENCY FOSTER GROUP HOME]. A court in an emergency, initial, or full adversary hearing conducted under this chapter may order that the child who is the subject of the hearing be placed in a secure agency foster home [or secure agency foster group home] verified in accordance with Section 42.0531, Human Resources Code, if the court finds that:
(1)  the placement is in the best interest of the child; and
(2)  the child's physical health or safety is in danger because the child has been recruited, harbored, transported, provided, or obtained for forced labor or commercial sexual activity, including any child subjected to an act specified in Section 20A.02 or 20A.03, Penal Code.
SECTION ____.  Section 263.008(a)(1), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
(1)  "Agency foster [group] home[,]" and ["agency foster home,"] "facility[,]" ["foster group home," and "foster home"] have the meanings assigned by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code.
SECTION ____.  Section 263.008(e), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
(e)  An [agency foster group home,] agency foster home[, foster group home, foster home,] or other residential child-care facility in which a child is placed in foster care shall provide a copy of the foster children's bill of rights to a child on the child's request. The foster children's bill of rights must be printed in English and in a second language.
SECTION ____.  Section 264.0111(a), Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  A child for whom the department has been appointed managing conservator and who has been placed by the department in a residential [foster home or] child-care facility [institution] as defined by Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, is entitled to keep any money earned by the child during the time of the child's placement.
SECTION ____.  Sections 264.751(1) and (3), Family Code, are amended to read as follows:
(1)  "Designated caregiver" means an individual who has a longstanding and significant relationship with a child for whom the department has been appointed managing conservator and who:
(A)  is appointed to provide substitute care for the child, but is not [licensed by the department or] verified by a licensed child-placing agency [or the department] to operate an [a foster home, foster group home,] agency foster home[, or agency foster group home] under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code; or
(B)  is subsequently appointed permanent managing conservator of the child after providing the care described by Paragraph (A).
(3)  "Relative caregiver" means a relative who:
(A)  provides substitute care for a child for whom the department has been appointed managing conservator, but who is not [licensed by the department or] verified by a licensed child-placing agency [or the department] to operate an [a foster home, foster group home,] agency foster home[, or agency foster group home] under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code; or
(B)  is subsequently appointed permanent managing conservator of the child after providing the care described by Paragraph (A).
SECTION ____.  Section 264.760, Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 264.760.  ELIGIBILITY FOR FOSTER CARE PAYMENTS AND PERMANENCY CARE ASSISTANCE. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, a relative or other designated caregiver who becomes [licensed by the department or] verified by a licensed child-placing agency [or the department] to operate an [a foster home, foster group home,] agency foster home[, or agency foster group home] under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, may receive foster care payments in lieu of the benefits provided by this subchapter, beginning with the first month in which the relative or other designated caregiver becomes licensed or is verified.
SECTION ____.  Section 264.8521, Family Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 264.8521.  NOTICE TO APPLICANTS. At the time a person applies to become [licensed by the department or] verified by a licensed child-placing agency [or the department] to provide foster care in order to qualify for the permanency care assistance program, the department or the child-placing agency shall:
(1)  notify the applicant that a background check, including a criminal history record check, will be conducted on the individual; and
(2)  inform the applicant about criminal convictions that:
(A)  preclude an individual from becoming a [licensed foster home or] verified agency foster home; and
(B)  may also be considered in evaluating the individual's application.
SECTION ____.  Section 531.151(3), Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
(3)  "Institution" means:
(A)  an ICF-IID, as defined by Section 531.002, Health and Safety Code;
(B)  a group home operated under the authority of the commission [Department of Aging and Disability Services], including a residential service provider under a Medicaid waiver program authorized under Section 1915(c) of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1396n), as amended, that provides services at a residence other than the child's home or agency foster home;
(C)  [a foster group home or an agency foster group home as defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code;
[(D)]  a nursing facility;
(D) [(E)]  a general residential operation for children with an intellectual disability that is licensed by the commission [Department of Family and Protective Services]; or
(E) [(F)]  another residential arrangement other than a foster home as defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, that provides care to four or more children who are unrelated to each other.
SECTION ____.  Section 31.002(b), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(b)  In this chapter, the term "dependent child" also applies to a child:
(1)  who meets the specifications set forth in Subsections (a)(1)-(4);
(2)  who has been removed from the home of a relative specified in Subsection (a)(5) as a result of a judicial determination that the child's residence there is contrary to his or her welfare;
(3)  whose placement and care are the responsibility of the Department of Family and Protective Services or an agency with which the Department of Family and Protective Services has entered into an agreement for the care and supervision of the child;
(4)  who has been placed in a residential [foster home or] child-care facility [institution] by the Department of Family and Protective Services; and
(5)  for whom the state may receive federal funds for the purpose of providing foster care in accordance with rules promulgated by the executive commissioner.
SECTION ____.  Section 31.008(d), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(d)  The commission may make payments on behalf of a dependent child residing in a residential [foster family home or a] child-care facility [institution] in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and commission rules.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, is amended by amending Subdivisions (4), (5), (6), (10), (11), (12), (13), and (19) and adding Subdivision (24) to read as follows:
(4)  "General residential operation" means a child-care facility that provides care for seven or more [than 12] children for 24 hours a day, including facilities known as [children's homes, halfway houses,] residential treatment centers and[,] emergency shelters[, and therapeutic camps].
(5)  "Continuum-of-care residential operation" means a group of residential child-care facilities that operate under the same license or certification to provide a continuum of services to children ["Foster group home" means a child-care facility that provides care for 7 to 12 children for 24 hours a day].
(6)  "Cottage [Foster] home operation" means cottage family homes that:
(A)  are identified on the operation's license;
(B)  share a child-care administrator who is responsible for oversight for all homes within the operation; and
(C)  are all in or near the same location as defined by department rule [a child-care facility that provides care for not more than six children for 24 hours a day].
(10)  "Cottage family home" means a family residential setting with one or more homes operating under the license of a cottage home operation and in which:
(A)  each home has at least one houseparent who lives at the home while children are in care; and
(B)  based on the size of the home and the children's needs, each home cares for not more than six children ["Agency foster group home" means a facility that provides care for seven to 12 children for 24 hours a day, is used only by a licensed child-placing agency, and meets department standards].
(11)  "Agency foster home" means a facility that provides care for not more than six children for 24 hours a day, is used only by a licensed child-placing agency or continuum-of-care residential operation, and meets department standards.
(12)  "Child-placing agency" means a person, including an organization, other than the natural parents or guardian of a child who plans for the placement of or places a child in a child-care facility, agency foster home, [agency foster group home,] or adoptive home.
(13)  "Facilities" includes child-care facilities, [and] child-placing agencies, and continuum-of-care residential operations.
(19)  "Residential child-care facility" means a facility licensed or certified by the department that operates for all of the 24-hour day. The term includes general residential operations, child-placing agencies, specialized child-care [foster group] homes, cottage home operations [foster homes], continuum-of-care residential operations [agency foster group homes], and agency foster homes.
(24)  "Specialized child-care home" means a child-care facility that:
(A)  based on the size of the home and the children's needs, provides care for not more than six children for 24 hours a day; and
(B)  has a director and has at least one houseparent who lives at the home while children are in care.
SECTION ____.  Subchapter A, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 42.0031 to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0031.  REFERENCE TO PART OF CONTINUUM-OF-CARE OPERATION. With respect to a continuum-of-care operation, a reference in this code or in any other law to a type of residential child-care facility that is a part of a continuum-of-care operation shall be construed as a reference to that portion of the continuum-of-care operation, and the department may take all regulatory action with respect to the continuum-of-care operation that the department could take with respect to the type of residential child-care facility, as further specified in department rule.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.041(b), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(b)  This section does not apply to:
(1)  a state-operated facility;
(2)  an agency foster home [or agency foster group home];
(3)  a facility that is operated in connection with a shopping center, business, religious organization, or establishment where children are cared for during short periods while parents or persons responsible for the children are attending religious services, shopping, or engaging in other activities, including retreats or classes for religious instruction, on or near the premises, that does not advertise as a child-care facility or day-care center, and that informs parents that it is not licensed by the state;
(4)  a school or class for religious instruction that does not last longer than two weeks and is conducted by a religious organization during the summer months;
(5)  a youth camp licensed by the Department of State Health Services;
(6)  a facility licensed, operated, certified, or registered by another state agency;
(7)  an educational facility that is accredited by the Texas Education Agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or an accreditation body that is a member of the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission and that operates primarily for educational purposes for prekindergarten and above, a before-school or after-school program operated directly by an accredited educational facility, or a before-school or after-school program operated by another entity under contract with the educational facility, if the Texas Education Agency, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or the other accreditation body, as applicable, has approved the curriculum content of the before-school or after-school program operated under the contract;
(8)  an educational facility that operates solely for educational purposes for prekindergarten through at least grade two, that does not provide custodial care for more than one hour during the hours before or after the customary school day, and that is a member of an organization that promulgates, publishes, and requires compliance with health, safety, fire, and sanitation standards equal to standards required by state, municipal, and county codes;
(9)  a kindergarten or preschool educational program that is operated as part of a public school or a private school accredited by the Texas Education Agency, that offers educational programs through grade six, and that does not provide custodial care during the hours before or after the customary school day;
(10)  a family home, whether registered or listed;
(11)  an educational facility that is integral to and inseparable from its sponsoring religious organization or an educational facility both of which do not provide custodial care for more than two hours maximum per day, and that offers an educational program in one or more of the following:  prekindergarten through at least grade three, elementary grades, or secondary grades;
(12)  an emergency shelter facility, other than a facility that would otherwise require a license as a child-care facility under this section, that provides shelter or care to a minor and the minor's child or children, if any, under Section 32.201, Family Code, if the facility:
(A)  is currently under a contract with a state or federal agency; or
(B)  meets the requirements listed under Section 51.005(b)(3);
(13)  a juvenile detention facility certified under Section 51.12, Family Code, a juvenile correctional facility certified under Section 51.125, Family Code, a juvenile facility providing services solely for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, or any other correctional facility for children operated or regulated by another state agency or by a political subdivision of the state;
(14)  an elementary-age (ages 5-13) recreation program operated by a municipality provided the governing body of the municipality annually adopts standards of care by ordinance after a public hearing for such programs, that such standards are provided to the parents of each program participant, and that the ordinances shall include, at a minimum, staffing ratios, minimum staff qualifications, minimum facility, health, and safety standards, and mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the adopted local standards; and further provided that parents be informed that the program is not licensed by the state and the program may not be advertised as a child-care facility;
(15)  an annual youth camp held in a municipality with a population of more than 1.5 million that operates for not more than three months and that has been operated for at least 10 years by a nonprofit organization that provides care for the homeless;
(16)  a food distribution program that:
(A)  serves an evening meal to children two years of age or older; and
(B)  is operated by a nonprofit food bank in a nonprofit, religious, or educational facility for not more than two hours a day on regular business days;
(17)  a child-care facility that operates for less than three consecutive weeks and less than 40 days in a period of 12 months;
(18)  a program:
(A)  in which a child receives direct instruction in a single skill, talent, ability, expertise, or proficiency;
(B)  that does not provide services or offerings that are not directly related to the single talent, ability, expertise, or proficiency;
(C)  that does not advertise or otherwise represent that the program is a child-care facility, day-care center, or licensed before-school or after-school program or that the program offers child-care services;
(D)  that informs the parent or guardian:
(i)  that the program is not licensed by the state; and
(ii)  about the physical risks a child may face while participating in the program; and
(E)  that conducts background checks for all program employees and volunteers who work with children in the program using information that is obtained from the Department of Public Safety;
(19)  an elementary-age (ages 5-13) recreation program that:
(A)  adopts standards of care, including standards relating to staff ratios, staff training, health, and safety;
(B)  provides a mechanism for monitoring and enforcing the standards and receiving complaints from parents of enrolled children;
(C)  does not advertise as or otherwise represent the program as a child-care facility, day-care center, or licensed before-school or after-school program or that the program offers child-care services;
(D)  informs parents that the program is not licensed by the state;
(E)  is organized as a nonprofit organization or is located on the premises of a participant's residence;
(F)  does not accept any remuneration other than a nominal annual membership fee;
(G)  does not solicit donations as compensation or payment for any good or service provided as part of the program; and
(H)  conducts background checks for all program employees and volunteers who work with children in the program using information that is obtained from the Department of Public Safety;
(20)  a living arrangement in a caretaker's home involving one or more children or a sibling group, excluding children who are related to the caretaker, in which the caretaker:
(A)  had a prior relationship with the child or sibling group or other family members of the child or sibling group;
(B)  does not care for more than one unrelated child or sibling group;
(C)  does not receive compensation or solicit donations for the care of the child or sibling group; and
(D)  has a written agreement with the parent to care for the child or sibling group;
(21)  a living arrangement in a caretaker's home involving one or more children or a sibling group, excluding children who are related to the caretaker, in which:
(A)  the department is the managing conservator of the child or sibling group;
(B)  the department placed the child or sibling group in the caretaker's home; and
(C)  the caretaker had a long-standing and significant relationship with the child or sibling group before the child or sibling group was placed with the caretaker;
(22)  a living arrangement in a caretaker's home involving one or more children or a sibling group, excluding children who are related to the caretaker, in which the child is in the United States on a time-limited visa under the sponsorship of the caretaker or of a sponsoring organization; [or]
(23)  a facility operated by a nonprofit organization that:
(A)  does not otherwise operate as a child-care facility that is required to be licensed under this section;
(B)  provides emergency shelter and care for not more than 15 days to children 13 years of age or older but younger than 18 years of age who are victims of human trafficking alleged under Section 20A.02, Penal Code;
(C)  is located in a municipality with a population of at least 600,000 that is in a county on an international border; and
(D)  meets one of the following criteria:
(i)  is licensed by, or operates under an agreement with, a state or federal agency to provide shelter and care to children; or
(ii)  meets the eligibility requirements for a contract under Section 51.005(b)(3); or
(24)  a facility that provides respite care exclusively for a local mental health authority under a contract with the local mental health authority.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.042, Human Resources Code, is amended by amending Subsections (e-1), (g), and (h-1) and adding Subsection (s) to read as follows:
(e-1)  The department may not prohibit possession of lawfully permitted firearms and ammunition in [a foster home of any type, including a foster group home, a foster home, an agency foster group home, and] an agency foster home. Minimum standards may be adopted under this section relating to safety and proper storage of firearms and ammunition, including standards requiring firearms and ammunition to be stored separately in locked locations.
(g)  In promulgating minimum standards the executive commissioner may recognize and treat differently the types of services provided by the following:
(1)  registered family homes;
(2)  child-care facilities, including general residential operations, cottage home operations [foster group homes], specialized child-care [foster] homes, group day-care homes, and day-care centers;
(3)  child-placing agencies;
(4)  agency foster homes;
(5)  continuum-of-care residential operations [agency foster group homes];
(6)  before-school or after-school programs; and
(7)  school-age programs.
(h-1)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules governing:
(1)  the placement and care of children by a child-placing agency, as necessary to ensure the health and safety of those children;
(2)  the verification and monitoring of agency foster homes[, agency foster group homes,] and adoptive homes by a child-placing agency; and
(3)  if appropriate, child-placing agency staffing levels, office locations, and administration.
(s)  A continuum-of-care residential operation shall ensure that each residential child-care facility operating under the operation's license complies with this chapter and any standards and rules adopted under this chapter that apply to the facility. The executive commissioner by rule may prescribe the actions a continuum-of-care residential operation must take to comply with the minimum standards for each facility type.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.0421(e), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(e)  In addition to other training required by this section, the executive commissioner by rule shall require an owner, operator, or employee of a day-care center, group day-care home, registered family home, general residential operation, cottage home operation [foster group home], or specialized child-care [agency foster group] home who transports a child under the care of the facility whose chronological or developmental age is younger than nine years of age to complete at least two hours of annual training on transportation safety.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.044(e), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(e)  In addition to the department's responsibility to investigate an agency foster home [or agency foster group home] under Subsection (c), the department shall:
(1)  periodically conduct inspections of a random sample of agency foster homes [and agency foster group homes];
(2)  investigate any report of a serious incident in an agency foster home [or agency foster group home] that pertains to a child under the age of six;
(3)  investigate any alleged violation of a minimum standard by an agency foster home [or agency foster group home] that poses a high degree of risk to a child in the care of the home who is under the age of six; and
(4)  conduct at least one annual enforcement team conference for each child-placing agency to thoroughly review the investigations or inspections of the child-placing agency and all of its agency foster homes to monitor and enforce compliance by a child-placing agency with rules and standards established under Section 42.042.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.0448, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0448.  NOTIFICATION OF FAMILY VIOLENCE CALLS. The department shall notify a child-placing agency or a continuum-of-care residential operation that includes a child-placing agency of each family violence report the department receives under Article 5.05, Code of Criminal Procedure, that:
(1)  occurred at an agency foster home [verified by the child-placing agency]; or
(2)  involves a person who resides at an agency foster home [verified by the child-placing agency].
SECTION ____.  Section 42.0449, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0449.  REQUIRED ACTIONS AFTER NOTICE OF FAMILY VIOLENCE CALL. The executive commissioner shall adopt rules specifying the actions that the department, [an independent foster home, and] a child-placing agency, and a continuum-of-care residential operation that includes a child-placing agency shall take after receiving notice of a family violence report under Article 5.05, Code of Criminal Procedure, or Section 42.0448 to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of each child residing in the [licensed foster home or] verified agency foster home.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.045(d), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(d)  A [An independent foster home and a] child-placing agency shall notify the department of any change of address for an [a licensed foster home or a verified] agency foster home. The [independent foster home and] child-placing agency shall notify the department of the address change within the earlier of two business days or 72 hours of the date the agency foster home changes its address.
SECTION ____.  The heading to Section 42.0451, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION ____.  Sections 42.0451(a) and (c), Human Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
(a)  The department shall maintain a database of [licensed foster homes and verified] agency foster homes including the current address for each agency foster [licensed or verified] home as reported to the department. The database must be updated on a regular basis.
(c)  The Department of Public Safety shall include the information provided under Subsection (b) in the Texas Crime Information Center database and establish a procedure by which a peace officer or employee of a law enforcement agency who provides the department with a street address is automatically provided information as to whether the address is [licensed as a foster home or] verified as an agency foster home under this chapter.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.0452, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0452.  FOSTER PARENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES STATEMENT. (a) The department shall develop a statement that lists the rights and responsibilities of a foster parent in [a foster home or] an agency foster home and [of the department or] a child-placing agency, as applicable.
(b)  The department shall provide a written copy of the statement developed under Subsection (a) to each foster parent in an agency [a] foster home and to each child-placing agency licensed by the department. A child-placing agency shall provide a written copy of the statement developed under Subsection (a) to each foster parent in an agency foster home verified by the child-placing agency.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.046(a), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a)  An applicant for a license to operate a child-care facility, [or] child-placing agency, or continuum-of-care residential operation or for a listing or registration to operate a family home shall submit to the department the appropriate fee prescribed by Section 42.054 and a completed application on a form provided by the department.
SECTION ____.  The heading to Section 42.0461, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION ____.  Sections 42.0461(a), (d), and (e), Human Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
(a)  Before the department may issue a license or certificate for the operation or the expansion of the capacity [of a foster group home or foster family home that is located in a county with a population of less than 300,000 and that provides child care for 24 hours a day at a location other than the actual residence of a child's primary caretaker or] of a general residential operation, a cottage home operation, or a continuum-of-care residential operation that is located in a county with a population of less than 300,000, the applicant for the license, certificate, or expansion shall, at the applicant's expense:
(1)  conduct a public hearing on the application in accordance with department rules after notifying the department of the date, time, and location of the hearing; and
(2)  publish notice of the application in a newspaper of general circulation in the community in which the child-care services are proposed to be provided.
(d)  Before issuing a license or certificate described by Subsection (a), the department shall consider written information provided by an interested party directly to the department's representative at the public hearing concerning:
(1)  the amount of local resources available to support children proposed to be served by the applicant;
(2)  the impact of the proposed child-care services on the ratio in the local school district of students enrolled in a special education program to students enrolled in a regular education program and the effect, if any, on the children proposed to be served by the applicant; and
(3)  the impact of the proposed child-care services on the community and the effect on opportunities for social interaction for the children proposed to be served by the applicant.
(e)  Based on the written information provided to the department's representative at the public hearing, the [The] department may deny the application if the department determines that:
(1)  the community has insufficient resources to support children proposed to be served by the applicant;
(2)  granting the application would significantly increase the ratio in the local school district of students enrolled in a special education program to students enrolled in a regular education program and the increase would adversely affect the children proposed to be served by the applicant; or
(3)  granting the application would have a significant adverse impact on the community and would limit opportunities for social interaction for the children proposed to be served by the applicant.
SECTION ____.  Subchapter C, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 42.0463 to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0463.  EXPANSION OF CAPACITY. (a) Notwithstanding the limitations established by Section 42.002, the department may:
(1)  develop, by rule, criteria to determine when it may be appropriate to exclude children who are related to a caretaker in determining a residential child-care facility's total capacity; and
(2)  issue an exception in accordance with department rules allowing an agency foster home, cottage family home, or specialized child-care home to expand its capacity and care for not more than eight children.
(b)  The department may include children who are related to a caretaker when determining under Subsection (a)(1) whether a residential child-care facility complies with the standards relating to total capacity or child-to-caregiver ratios for the facility.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.048(e), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(e)  A license issued under this chapter is not transferable and applies only to the operator and facility location stated in the license application. Except as provided by this subsection, a change in location or ownership automatically revokes a license. A change in location of a child-placing agency does not automatically revoke the license to operate the child-placing agency. A residential child-care facility operating under the license of a continuum-of-care residential operation that changes location may not continue to operate under that license unless the department approves the new location after the continuum-of-care residential operation meets all requirements related to the new location.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.053, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.053.  AGENCY FOSTER HOMES [AND AGENCY FOSTER GROUP HOMES]. (a) An agency foster home [or agency foster group home] is considered part of the child-placing agency that operates the agency foster home [or agency foster group home] for purposes of licensing.
(b)  The operator of a licensed agency shall display a copy of the license in a prominent place in the agency foster home [or agency foster group home] used by the agency.
(c)  An agency foster home [or agency foster group home] shall comply with all provisions of this chapter and all department rules and standards that apply to a child-care facility caring for a similar number of children for a similar number of hours each day.
(d)  The department shall revoke or suspend the license of a child-placing agency if an agency foster home [or agency foster group home] operated by the licensed agency fails to comply with Subsection (c).
(e)  Before verifying an agency foster home, a child-placing agency may issue a provisional verification to the home. The executive commissioner by rule may establish the criteria for a child-placing agency to issue a provisional verification to a prospective agency foster home.
(f)  If a child-placing agency under contract with the division to provide services as an integrated care coordinator places children with caregivers described by Subchapter I, Chapter 264, Family Code, those caregivers are not considered a part of the child-placing agency for purposes of licensing.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.0531, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0531.  SECURE AGENCY FOSTER HOMES [AND SECURE AGENCY FOSTER GROUP HOMES]. (a) The commissioners court of a county or governing body of a municipality may contract with a child-placing agency to verify a secure agency foster home [or secure agency foster group home] to provide a safe and therapeutic environment tailored to the needs of children who are victims of trafficking.
(b)  A child-placing agency may not verify a secure agency foster home [or secure agency foster group home] to provide services under this section unless the child-placing agency holds a license issued under this chapter that authorizes the agency to provide services to victims of trafficking in accordance with department standards adopted under this chapter for child-placing agencies.
(c)  A secure agency foster home [or secure agency foster group home] verified under this section must provide:
(1)  mental health and other services specifically designed to assist children who are victims of trafficking under Section 20A.02 or 20A.03, Penal Code, including:
(A)  victim and family counseling;
(B)  behavioral health care;
(C)  treatment and intervention for sexual assault;
(D)  education tailored to the child's needs;
(E)  life skills training;
(F)  mentoring; and
(G)  substance abuse screening and treatment as needed;
(2)  individualized services based on the trauma endured by a child, as determined through comprehensive assessments of the service needs of the child;
(3)  24-hour services; and
(4)  appropriate security through facility design, hardware, technology, and staffing.
SECTION ____.  Sections 42.0535(a), (b), (d), and (e), Human Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
(a)  A child-placing agency that seeks to verify an agency foster home [or an agency group home] shall request background information about the agency foster home [or group home] from a child-placing agency that has previously verified the home as an [that] agency foster home or agency foster group home.
(b)  Notwithstanding Section 261.201, Family Code, a child-placing agency that has verified an agency foster home or an agency foster group home is required to release to another child-placing agency background information requested under Subsection (a).
(d)  For purposes of this section, background information means the home study under which the agency foster home or agency foster group home was verified by the previous child-placing agency and any record of noncompliance with state minimum standards received and the resolution of any such noncompliance by the previous child-placing agency.
(e)  The executive commissioner by rule shall develop a process by which a child-placing agency shall report to the department:
(1)  the name of any agency [verified] foster home [or foster group home] that has been closed for any reason, including a voluntary closure;
(2)  information regarding the reasons for the closure of the agency foster home [or foster group home]; and
(3)  the name and other contact information of a person who may be contacted by another child-placing agency to obtain the records relating to the closed agency foster home [or foster group home] that are required to be maintained and made available under this section.
SECTION ____.  Sections 42.054(a), (b), (d), and (g), Human Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
(a)  The department shall charge an applicant a nonrefundable application fee for an initial license to operate a child-care facility, [or] a child-placing agency, or a continuum-of-care residential operation.
(b)  The department shall charge each child-care facility a fee for an initial license. The department shall charge each child-placing agency and continuum-of-care residential operation a fee for an initial license.
(d)  The department shall charge each licensed child-placing agency and continuum-of-care residential operation an annual license fee. The fee is due on the date on which the department issues the [child-placing agency's] initial license to the child-placing agency or continuum-of-care residential operation and on the anniversary of that date.
(g)  The provisions of Subsections (b) through (f) do not apply to:
(1)  [licensed foster homes and licensed foster group homes;
[(2)]  nonprofit facilities regulated under this chapter that provided 24-hour care for children in the managing conservatorship of the department during the 12-month period immediately preceding the anniversary date of the facility's license;
(2) [(3)]  facilities operated by a nonprofit corporation or foundation that provides 24-hour residential care and does not charge for the care provided; or
(3) [(4)]  a family home listed under Section 42.0523 in which the relative child-care provider cares for the child in the child's own home.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.0561, Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.0561.  INFORMATION RELATING TO FAMILY VIOLENCE REPORTS. Before [the department may issue a license or registration for a foster home or] a child-placing agency may issue a verification certificate for an agency foster home, the [department or] child-placing agency must obtain information relating to each family violence report at the applicant's residence to which a law enforcement agency responded during the 12 months preceding the date of the application. The applicant shall provide the information on a form prescribed by the department.
SECTION ____.  Section 42.063(d), Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
(d)  An employee or volunteer of a general residential operation, child-placing agency, continuum-of-care residential operation, cottage home operation [foster home], or specialized child-care [foster group] home shall report any serious incident directly to the department if the incident involves a child under the care of the operation, agency, or home.
SECTION ____.  Sections 42.0461(f) and (g), Human Resources Code, are repealed.
SECTION ____.  Subject to an appropriation of funds for this purpose, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall adopt minimum standards related to continuum-of-care operations, cottage home operations, and specialized child-care homes as provided by Section 42.042, Human Resources Code, as amended by this Act, as soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act.
SECTION ____.  (a) The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall develop and implement a procedure by which a residential child-care facility that holds a license or certification issued under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, may convert the license or certification to a new type of residential child-care facility license or certification created by this Act.
(b)  With respect to a residential child-care facility converting a license or certification under Subsection (a) of this section, the Health and Human Services Commission may waive requirements for an initial inspection, an initial background and criminal history check, or a family violence report, or for notice and hearing if the commission determines that previous inspections, background and criminal history checks, family violence reports, or notice and hearing, as applicable, were conducted and are sufficient to ensure the safety of children receiving care at the residential child-care facility converting a license or certification.
SECTION ____.  (a)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall develop and implement a procedure that requires a foster home or a foster group home that holds a license issued by the Department of Family and Protective Services under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, before September 1, 2017, to convert the license to another residential child-care facility license issued under Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, or relinquish the license.
(b)  With respect to a foster home or foster group home converting a license under Subsection (a) of this section, the Health and Human Services Commission may waive requirements for an initial inspection, an initial background and criminal history check, or a family violence report, or for notice and hearing if the commission determines that previous inspections, background and criminal history checks, family violence reports, or notice and hearing, as applicable, were conducted and are sufficient to ensure the safety of children receiving care at the foster home or foster group home converting a license or certification.
(c)  The Department of Family and Protective Services may not issue a license or certification to a foster home or foster group home after August 31, 2017.
(d)  A foster home or a foster group home that was licensed by the department before September 1, 2017, may continue to operate under the law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose, until each foster home and foster group home has been converted to another residential child-care facility license or the license has been relinquished.
SECTION ____.  (a)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall develop and implement a procedure that requires a child-placing agency that verified, before September 1, 2017, an agency foster group home according to the Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies to convert the agency foster group home to an agency foster home or to close the agency foster group home.
(b)  With respect to a child-placing agency converting an agency foster group home under Subsection (a) of this section, the Health and Human Services Commission may waive requirements for an initial inspection, an initial background and criminal history check, or a family violence report, if the commission determines that previous inspections, background and criminal history checks, or family violence reports, as applicable, were conducted and are sufficient to ensure the safety of children receiving care at the agency foster home.
(c)  A child-placing agency may not verify an agency foster group home after August 31, 2017.
(d)  An agency foster group home that was verified by a child-placing agency before September 1, 2017, may continue to operate under the child-placing agency that verified the home and under the law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose, until each agency foster group home has been converted to a verified foster home or has been closed.