Amend CSHB 18 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 4, lines 13 and 15, strike "91st" both times it appears and substitute "121st".
(2) On page 4, line 14, strike "either party discovers" and substitute "the vendor receives written notice of".
(3) Strike page 4, lines 16-22, and substitute the following:
calendar day, the vendor is subject to late payment interest of 10 percent per year on the amount of the overpayment that has not been returned, which begins to accrue on the date the overpayment becomes overdue.
(b) If the vendor disputes that an overpayment has been made by a state agency, the vendor shall provide the state agency written notice of the dispute not later than the 30th day after the receipt of the notice required in Subsection (a). On resolution of the dispute, if the vendor is required to return an overpayment to the state agency, the vendor shall return the agreed overpayment before the 121st calendar day after the date the parties resolve the dispute. If the agreed overpayment is not returned before the 121st calendar day, the vendor is subject to late payment interest of 10 percent per year on the amount of the agreed overpayment that has not been returned, which begins to accrue on the date the agreed overpayment becomes overdue.
(c) This section does not apply to the return of any amount overpaid by a state agency to a vendor because of an incorrect contract, invoice, or other documentation.
(4) On page 5, lines 5-13, strike SECTION 1.08 of the bill.
(5) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to Article 1 of the bill:
SECTION ____. (a) The comptroller of public accounts shall conduct an interim study on the effectiveness of the process of barring vendors from participation in state contracts under Section 2155.077, Government Code. The study must include an evaluation of the risk to the state posed by vendors who receive low performance grades under Section 2262.055, Government Code, but who are not barred under Section 2155.077, Government Code.
(b) Not later than December 1, 2018, the comptroller of public accounts shall submit a report on the findings of the study to the governor, lieutenant governor, and members of the legislature.
(6) Renumber SECTIONS of Article 1 of the bill as appropriate.