Amend CSHB 21 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) Strike page 1, line 4, through page 3, line 18.
(2) Strike page 4, line 16, through page 5, line 10.
(3) Strike page 6, lines 17-25.
(4) Strike page 8, lines 1-7.
(5) On page 9, lines 11-12, strike "or amounts made available for the transportation of career and technology education students".
(6) On page 12, line 1, strike "42.155,".
(7) On page 16, line 13, strike "[to the district for transportation, any allotment]" and substitute "to the district for transportation, any allotment".
(8) On page 16, line 14, strike "[or 42.160,]" and substitute "[or 42.160],".
(9) On page 20, strike line 21, and renumber subsequent subdivisions of SECTION 24 of the bill accordingly.
(10) Renumber existing SECTIONS of the bill accordingly.