Amend CSHB 22 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 6, line 25, strike "(c-3) and (c-4)" and substitute "(c-3), (c-4), and (g-3)".
(2)  On page 10, line 1, between "tests," and "college", insert "international baccalaureate examinations,".
(3)  On page 11, line 3, strike "and".
(4)  On page 11, line 5, between the underlined semicolon and "and", insert the following:
(xii)  students who have received credit by examination;
(xiii)  students who have been promoted to higher grade levels than the grade levels to which the students would ordinarily be assigned; and
(xiv)  students who have earned a diploma after not more than three years of high school attendance;
(5)  On page 11, line 11, between "tests," and "college", insert "pre-international baccalaureate examinations,".
(6)  On page 11, line 12, strike "and".
(7)  On page 11, line 15, after the underlined semicolon, insert the following:
(iii)  students who participate in a University Interscholastic League A+ academic event;
(8)  On page 20, between lines 23 and 24, insert the following:
(g-3)  The commissioner shall adopt rules for identifying students participating in a University Interscholastic League A+ academic event for purposes of Subsection (c)(1)(C)(iii).