Amend CSHB 22 (senate committee printing), in SECTION 8 of the bill, as follows:
(1) In the recital to that section (page 3, line 42), strike "Subsection (c-3)" and substitute "Subsections (c-3) and (e)".
(2) In amended Section 39.053(c)(1)(A), Education Code (page 4, line 24), strike "and" and substitute "[and]".
(3) In amended Section 39.053(c)(1)(A), Education Code (page 4, between lines 31 and 32), insert the following:
(iii) an indicator that accounts for the results of assessment instruments administered under Section 39.023 in grades three through eight to students formerly receiving special education services, including the percentage of those students who achieved satisfactory academic performance, as determined by commissioner rule; and
(4) In amended Section 39.053, Education Code, immediately following amended Subsection (d-1) of that section (page 6, between lines 47 and 48), insert the following new Subsection (e):
(e) For purposes of Subsection (c)(1)(A)(iii), a student formerly receiving special education services means a student whose enrollment information:
(1) for the preceding year, as reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS), indicates the student was enrolled at the campus and was participating in a special education program; and
(2) for the current year, as reported through the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) and as reported on assessment instruments administered to the student under Section 39.023, indicates the student is enrolled at the campus and is not participating in a special education program.