Amend CSHB 28 (house committee report) as follows:
(1) On page 2, line 14, strike "Subsection (e)" and substitute "Subsections (e) and (h)".
(2) On page 3, between lines 24 and 25, insert the following:
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the comptroller may adopt adjusted tax rates under this section that apply beginning in a state fiscal biennium only if:
(1) the boards of trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas certify to the comptroller that those systems are expected to be actuarially sound throughout that biennium; and
(2) the Legislative Budget Board certifies to the comptroller that the state has no unfunded liabilities for pensions, health care, prepaid higher education tuition programs, or other similar long-term defined benefits for that biennium.