Amend HB 100 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 2, lines 26-27, strike "Subsection (b)" and substitute "Subsections (b) and (c)".
(2) On page 3, strike line 16 and substitute the following:
(c) The governing body of a governmental entity with jurisdiction over a cruise ship terminal may impose regulations, including a reasonable fee, on a transportation network company that provides digitally prearranged rides to or from the terminal.
(d) Regulations under Subsections (b) and (c) may not:
(3) On page 3, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following:
(e) This chapter does not affect the ability of a local authority, as defined by Section 541.002, Transportation Code, to:
(1) take an action described by Section 542.202, Transportation Code, or otherwise authorized by Subtitle C, Title 7, Transportation Code, that allows the local authority to adopt traffic rules in the jurisdiction of the authority if the rules are applied to transportation network company vehicles and drivers in the same manner as non-transportation network company vehicles and drivers; or
(2) enforce a provision of Subtitle C, Title 7, Transportation Code, or any other state law relating to the operation of traffic on public roads.
(4) On page 4, line 7, strike "of $5,000".
(5) On page 4, line 8, between "chapter" and the underlined period, insert "in an amount determined by department rule to cover the costs of administering this chapter".
(6) On page 6, line 20, between "license" and the underlined semicolon, insert "issued by this state, another state, or the District of Columbia".
(7) On page 7, line 3, strike "registry database" and substitute "public website".
(8) On page 8, line 2, between "a" and "crime", insert "felony".
(9) On page 8, lines 7-8, strike "in the national sex offender registry database" and substitute "registered in the national sex offender public website".
(10) On page 8, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following:
(c) A transportation network company shall conduct or cause to be conducted an annual criminal background check described by Subsection (a)(2) for each driver authorized to access the company's digital network.
(11) Strike page 9, line 24, through page 10, line 3, and substitute the following:
(b) A vehicle used to provide digitally prearranged rides may be owned, leased, or rented by, or otherwise made available to, the driver.
(c) Section 547.607, Transportation Code, does not apply to a personal vehicle used to provide digitally prearranged rides.
(12) On page 10, lines 12-14, strike "unless the driver has a medically documented condition that prevents the driver from transporting animals".
(13) On page 11, lines 4-5, strike "independent contractor, and not an employee of the company" and substitute "independent contractor for all purposes, and not an employee of the company in any manner".
(14) On page 11, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:
Sec. 2402.115. AGREEMENTS WITH LOCAL ENTITIES FOR LARGE EVENTS. Notwithstanding Section 2402.003, a municipality or other local entity may contract with a transportation network company operating in the municipality's or entity's jurisdiction for the coordination of large events occurring in the municipality's or entity's jurisdiction. An agreement under this section:
(1) may not exclude a transportation network company holding a permit under this chapter from providing services at the event; and
(2) must have comparable terms for each company providing services at the event.
(15) At the end of page 13 add the following:
Sec. 2402.154. DATA SHARING WITH MUNICIPALITY. A municipality and a transportation network company may voluntarily enter into an agreement under which the company shares the company's data with the municipality.
(16) On page 14, lines 9-10, strike "that contradicts or is otherwise inconsistent with this Act".
(17) Add the following appropriately numbered SECTION to the bill and renumber subsequent SECTIONS of the bill accordingly:
SECTION ____. A transportation network company operating under a municipal ordinance in a municipality of this state immediately before the effective date of this Act may operate at any location in this state without the permit required under Section 2402.051, Occupations Code, as added by this Act, until the later of:
(1) the 30th day after the date rules adopted by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to administer Section 2402.051 become effective; or
(2) the date the company's application for a permit under Section 2402.051 submitted to the department before the date described by Subdivision (1) of this section is approved or denied.