Amend HB 156 (senate committee printing), in SECTION 1 of the bill, as follows:
(1)  In added Section 37.032, Education Code (page 2, lines 1-11), strike Subsection (a) and substitute the following:
(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of Subchapter A and except as provided by Subsection (c), a student subject to this subchapter who is otherwise required or permitted under Subchapter A to be placed in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program may, instead of that placement, choose to participate in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program if the student meets the initial eligibility requirements for the program.
(2)  In added Section 37.032(b), Education Code (page 2, line 12), strike "required" and substitute "who chooses".
(3)  In added Section 37.032(b), Education Code (page 2, line 16), strike "required".
(4)  In added Section 37.033(a), Education Code (page 2, lines 36-65), strike Subdivisions (1)-(5), and substitute the following:
(1)  specify conditions that authorize a principal or other appropriate administrator to permit a student to choose to participate in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as an alternative to placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program;
(2)  specify that consideration will be given, as a factor in each decision concerning alternative participation in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program, to:
(A)  self-defense;
(B)  intent or lack of intent at the time the student engaged in the conduct;
(C)  a student's disciplinary history; or
(D)  a disability that substantially impairs the student's capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the student's conduct;
(3)  provide guidelines that promote positive student educational outcomes for students choosing to participate in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as an alternative to placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program;
(4)  provide guidelines for setting the length of a term of participation in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as an alternative to placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program; and
(5)  address the notification of a student's parent or guardian of a violation of the student code of conduct committed by the student that results in the student's choice to participate in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as an alternative to placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or a juvenile justice alternative education program.
(5)  In added Section 37.033(b), Education Code (page 2, line 67), strike "required".
(6)  In added Section 37.035(a), Education Code (page 3, line 3), strike "be required to".
(7)  In added Section 37.035(a), Education Code (page 3, lines 6-7), strike "and request and obtain consent for the student's placement in the program".
(8)  In added Section 37.036(a), Education Code (page 3, line 17), strike "required".
(9)  In added Section 37.036(b), Education Code (page 3, line 25), strike "be required to".
(10)  In added Section 37.036(b), Education Code (page 3, line 31), strike "required".
(11)  In added Section 37.037(a), Education Code (page 3, line 38), strike "required to participate" and substitute "participating".
(12)  In added Section 37.038(a), Education Code (page 3, line 49), strike "required to participate" and substitute "participating".
(13)  In added Section 37.038(a), Education Code (page 3, lines 51-52), strike "the period of required participation" substitute "the designated period of participation".
(14)  In added Section 37.038(a), Education Code (page 3, line 53), strike "requiring the participation" and substitute "in which the student was participating in the program".
(15)  In added Section 37.038(c), Education Code (page 3, lines 68-69), strike "completing the period of required participation" and substitute "completing the designated period of participation".
(16)  Strike added Section 37.039, Education Code (page 4, lines 7-18) and substitute the following:
Sec. 37.039.  PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING FAILURE TO COMPLETE DESIGNATED PERIOD OF PARTICIPATION OR SUBSEQUENT CONDUCT AFTER PROGRAM PARTICIPATION. A student who chooses to participate in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as authorized under this subchapter is subject to the provisions of Subchapter A relating to removal from class and placement in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program if the student:
(1)  except as provided by Section 37.038(c), fails to complete the designated period of participation under the terms of an order as authorized by this section; or
(2)  after completion of any participation in a Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program as authorized under this subchapter, engages in subsequent conduct requiring or permitting the student to be removed from class and placed in a disciplinary alternative education program or juvenile justice alternative education program under Subchapter A.