Amend CSHB 787 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following appropriately numbered subdivision:
(____) "Geomagnetic disturbance" means an event caused by the interaction of a cloud of charged particles produced by the sun's solar storms and the earth's magnetic field.
(2) On page 2, line 20, between "electromagnetic pulse" and "and cybersecurity threats", insert ", geomagnetic disturbance,".
(3) On page 2, line 24, between "consider" and "potential", insert "and assess the likelihood of".
(4) On page 3, line 3, between "recommend" and "measures", insert "appropriate".
(5) On page 3, line 4, strike "against damage" and substitute, ", taking into account the impact of the potential damage being addressed".
(6) On page 3, line 5, strike "develop a recommended strategy" and substitute "recommend one or more strategies".
(7) On page 3, line 7, strike "threats" and substitute "relevant threats and present the estimated costs associated with each strategy".
(8) On page 3, line 9, between "by" and "the", insert "the United States Department of Defense, the United States Department of Energy, the United States Department of Homeland Security, and".
(9) On page 4, strike lines 19 and 20 and substitute "upgrades will be funded by appropriating general revenue, through a ratepayer cost recovery mechanism, or by a combination of those methods.".
(10) On page 4, between lines 20 and 21, add the following:
(p) This section is not intended to prevent an electric utility, municipally owned utility, or electric cooperative from making prudent investments and reasonable and necessary expenditures to secure the electric grid and seeking recovery of associated costs as authorized by the Utilities Code.
(11) On page 4, line 21, strike "(p)" and substitute "(q)".