Amend CSHB 1449 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, lines 18-19, strike "or indirectly" and substitute ", indirectly, voluntarily, or involuntarily".
(2)  On page 1, line 19, between "demand" and "on", insert ", including any payment or demand made in connection with a regulation on zoning, subdivisions, site plans, or building permits,".
(3)  On page 1, line 20, between "of" and "offsetting", insert "providing for or".
(4)  Strike page 1, line 23, through page 2, line 2, and substitute the following:
(1)  a fee in existence on January 1, 2017, that is voluntarily offered in connection with a zoning waiver issued for additional height or square footage in a commercial or multifamily residential structure;
(2)  an affordable housing and property tax abatement program:
(A)  in existence on January 1, 2017;
(B)  adopted under Chapter 378 by a municipality with a population of more than 700,000; and
(C)  for which eligibility is maintained as required under Chapter 312, Tax Code; or
(3)  an affordable housing program in existence on January 1, 2017, and adopted by a municipality with a population of more than 1.18 million pursuant to a federal district court consent decree.