Amend HB 1891 (house committee printing) on page 2 as follows:
(1) On line 13, strike "shall".
(2) On line 14, between "(1)" and "comply", insert "shall".
(3) On line 15, strike "and".
(4) Strike lines 16 through 21 and substitute the following:
(2) shall notify:
(A) a local game warden, deputy game warden, or special game warden at least 24 hours before hunting antlerless white-tailed deer at a time of the year when a person who holds a license under Section 42.002 but who is not a documented member of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas may not hunt antlerless white-tailed deer; and
(B) the department not later than September 1 of each year of the member's intent to hunt antlerless white-tailed deer for the following calendar year; and
(3) may not hunt antlerless white-tailed deer outside an open hunting season in a chronic wasting disease containment or surveillance zone, as determined by the department.
(c) Subsection (b) applies only to hunting on land that is:
(1) owned or leased by the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas; and
(2) located in a county that:
(A) borders the United Mexican States and has a population of more than 50,000 but less than 70,000; or
(B) is adjacent to a county described by Paragraph (A) and has a population of less than 9,000.