Amend Amendment No. 2 by Miller to CSHB 2335, by striking page 1, line 7, through page 2, line 3, and substituting the following:
(d)  In this section, "trauma" means any experience of maltreatment, interpersonal violence, abuse, or neglect encountered by a child or adolescent, including:
(A)  familial physical, sexual, or emotional abuse;
(B)  community, peer, and school-based assault, molestation, and severe bullying;
(C)  severe neglect;
(D)  witnessing domestic violence;
(E)  the impact of serious and pervasive disruptions in caregiving for the child or adolescent resulting from severe caregiver mental illness, substance abuse, or criminal involvement or abrupt separation of the child or adolescent from the caregiver; and
(F)  traumatic loss.