Amend CSHB 2950 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, in amended Section 301.059(b), Occupations Code (page 1, between lines 40 and 41), insert the following appropriately numbered subdivision:
( )  the types of board rules, interpretations, and enforcement actions that may implicate federal antitrust law by limiting competition or impacting prices charged by persons engaged in a profession or business the board regulates, including rules, interpretations, and enforcement actions that:
(A)  regulate the scope of practice of persons in a profession or business the board regulates;
(B)  restrict advertising by persons in a profession or business the board regulates;
(C)  affect the price of goods or services provided by persons in a profession or business the board regulates; and
(D)  restrict participation in a profession or business the board regulates;
(2)  Renumber subsequent subdivisions of amended Section 301.059(b), Occupations Code, appropriately.