Amend HR 3 (Adopting the Housekeeping Resolution for the House of Representatives of the 85th Legislature) by striking Section 3.06(a) (page 8, line 23 through page 9, line 14), and substituting the following:
(a)  The Committee on House Administration shall:
(1)  be in charge of and provide for the protection, maintenance, and use of the hall of the house, all committee rooms, offices of members and house departments, the speaker's office and apartment, and other space under the jurisdiction of the house;
(2)  make permanent assignments of desks and offices to members of the house;
(3)  adopt and enforce a plan for the parking of motor vehicles on the portion of the Capitol grounds under house jurisdiction;
(4)  be in charge of and provide for the protection, maintenance, and use of the furniture, fixtures, equipment, and records of the house;
(5)  purchase, remodel, repair, restore, or replace any furniture, fixtures, equipment, and other furnishings to maintain the dignity and appearance of space occupied by the house;
(6)  in consultation with the State Preservation Board, identify and establish a space that provides privacy, security, a water faucet, and a power outlet, within or near the hall of the house for use for breastfeeding or breast pumping by house members and employees of the house or media representatives entitled to the privileges of the floor when the house is in session; and
(7) [(6)]  determine the hours the hall of the house shall be open to visitors.