Amend HR 4 (adopting the permanent rules of the house) in Rule 4, Section 18A (page 64, lines 8 through 20), by striking the text and substituting the following:
Sec. 18A.  INTERNET ACCESS TO COMMITTEE DOCUMENTS. (a) The committee coordinator shall [may] establish procedures for making available to the public on the Internet documents relating to the proceedings of substantive committees.
(b)  A substantive committee shall [may] make available to the public on the Internet:
(1)  any proposed committee substitute or amendment laid before the committee or any adopted committee substitute or amendment laid before the committee; and
(2)  any nonconfidential written testimony submitted by a state agency for consideration by the committee that relates to a measure referred to the committee.
(c)  A committee's failure to comply with this section is not subject to a point of order.