Amend HR 4 as follows:
Amend Rule 5, Sections 24(a) and (b), to read as follows:
(a)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, there shall be no appeal from the speaker's recognition, but the speaker shall be governed by rules and usage in priority of entertaining motions from the floor. When a member seeks recognition, the speaker may ask, "For what purpose does the member rise?" or "For what purpose does the member seek recognition?" and may then decide if recognition is to be granted, except that the speaker shall recognize a member who seeks recognition on:
(1)  a question of privilege; or
(2)  a motion to amend a bill, resolution, amendment, motion, or proposition under consideration, subject to Rule 7, Section 21, and Rule 11, Sections 7 and 10.
(b)  If the speaker denies recognition of a member required to be recognized under Subsection (a) [who seeks recognition on a question of privilege], other than a member who seeks recognition on a question of privilege relating to the right of the house to remove the speaker and elect a new speaker, the decision of recognition may be appealed using the procedures provided in Rule 1, Section 9.