Amend HR 4 as follows:
(1)  Amend Rule 2, Section 1, by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
(e)  When engrossing or enrolling a bill or joint resolution, the chief clerk shall insert in the title or caption of the measure the contents of any statement described by Rule 4, Section 33(g)(1) or (2), included in the latest fiscal note attached to the measure at that time. The chief clerk shall delete from the title or caption any existing language similar to a statement described by Rule 4, Section 33(g)(1) or (2), that is not included in the latest fiscal note attached to the measure at that time. The chief clerk may conform capitalization and punctuation in the title or caption as necessary to make an insertion or deletion under this subsection.
(2)  Amend Rule 4, Section 33, by adding Subsections (g) and (h) to read as follows:
(g)  All fiscal notes must include the statement:
(1)  "may create an increased cost for (specified types of local governments)" and list the specified types of local governments, if the Legislative Budget Board determines the bill or joint resolution may create an increased cost for one or more types of local governments;
(2)  "may create a decreased cost for (specified types of local governments)" and list the specified types of local governments, if the Legislative Budget Board determines the bill or joint resolution may create a decreased cost for one or more types of local governments; or
(3)  "not expected to create an increased or decreased cost for local governments," if the Legislative Budget Board determines the bill or joint resolution is not expected to create an increased or decreased cost for any type of local government.
(h)  If the chair of a standing committee determines that a bill or joint resolution for which a fiscal note is not otherwise required may create an increased or decreased cost for one or more types of local governments, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of a fiscal note outlining the fiscal implications and probable cost of the measure.
(3)  Amend Rule 4, Section 39, to read as follows:
Sec. 39.  COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), no [No] committee shall have the power to amend, delete, or change in any way the nature, purpose, or content of any bill or resolution referred to it, but may draft and recommend amendments to it, which shall become effective only if adopted by a majority vote of the house.
(b)  If the latest fiscal note attached to a bill or joint resolution on first printing includes a statement described by Rule 4, Section 33(g)(1) or (2), the committee chair shall order the contents of the statement be inserted in the title or caption of the measure on first printing. The insertion is not an amendment and is not subject to vote by the committee or the house. The printer shall make the insertion on first printing if ordered by the committee chair. The printer may conform capitalization and punctuation in the title or caption as necessary to make the insertion.