Amend HR 4 (adopting the permanent rules of the house) by striking Rule 4, Section 34(b), and substituting the following:
(b)  If the chair of a standing committee determines that a bill or joint resolution:
(1)  authorizes or requires a change in the sanctions applicable to adults convicted of felony crimes, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of a criminal justice policy impact statement;
(2)  authorizes or requires a change in the public school finance system, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of an equalized education funding impact statement;
(3)  proposes to change benefits or participation in benefits of a public retirement system or change the financial obligations of a public retirement system, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of an actuarial impact statement in cooperation with the State Pension Review Board;
(4)  proposes to create a water district under the authority of Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of a water development policy impact statement; [or]
(5)  creates or impacts a state tax or fee, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of a tax equity note that estimates the general effects of the proposal on the distribution of tax and fee burdens among individuals and businesses; or
(6)  creates or impacts a state or local tax or fee, the chair shall send a copy of the measure to the Legislative Budget Board for the preparation of a dynamic economic impact statement, which may not exceed one paragraph in length and which must include the estimated number of state or local governmental employees to be affected and the estimated impact on private sector employment in Texas as a result of any change in state or local governmental taxes or fees made by the measure as compared to the state fiscal year preceding the state fiscal year in which the measure takes effect.