Amend CSSB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) In Article I of the bill (page I-____), under Article I add the following appropriately numbered rider after the appropriations to the Texas Facilities Commission:
____. Commercial Use of State-Owned Parking Lots and Garages. Notwithstanding provisions in Subchapter E, Chapter 2165, Government Code, all revenue generated on or after September 1, 2017 by the Texas Facilities Commission from the commercial use of state-owned parking lots and garages above amounts identified in the Biennial Revenue Estimate (estimated $0) is appropriated to Strategy B.2.1, Facilities Operation, for facilities operations and maintenance.
Any unexpended balances as of August 31, 2018, out of appropriations made herein are appropriated to the Facilities Commission for operations and maintenance for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2018.
(2) Increase the Article I Subtotal and the Grand Total, All Articles, accordingly; and
(3) Renumber the following pages accordingly.