CSSB 1 is amended as follows:
On page XI-13 of the Article VIII listing for the Texas Department of Insurance, add the following contingency rider:
____. Contingency for HB 3226. a) Contingent on enactment of HB 3226, or similar legislation relating to the creation of the Temporary Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool, by the Eighty-Fifth Legislature, Regular Session, the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) is appropriated in Strategy G.1.1, Health Insurance Pool Contingency, $841,602 in fiscal year 2018 and $933,351 in fiscal year 2019 from general revenue-dedicated TDI Operating Fund 36 and $12,000,000 in fiscal year 2018 and $28,312,122 in fiscal year 2019 from Premium Stabilization Fund 329 to implement the provisions of the legislation. In addition, the "Number of Full-Time-Equivalents (FTE)" positions for TDI is increased by 10.5 FTEs in fiscal year 2018 and 12.0 FTEs in fiscal year 2019.
b) None of the funds appropriated in Subsection (a) for Strategy G.1.1, Health Insurance Pool Contingency, may be expended unless the Commissioner of Insurance determines that action by the federal government necessitates the creation of the Temporary Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool and the Commissioner of Insurance notifies the governor and the Legislative Budget Board within ten days of such determination.
c) Any unexpended and unobligated balances of appropriations in Subsection (a) for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2018, are appropriated to the agency for the same purposes for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 2018.