Amend CSSB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In Article IX of the bill, in Section 1 of Section 17.13 (page IX-84), strike "Economic Stabilization Fund" and substitute "General Revenue Fund."
(2)  In Article IX of the bill, in Section 7 of Section 17.13 (page IX-88), strike "Economic Stabilization Fund" and substitute "General Revenue Fund."
(3)  In Article IX of the bill, strike Section 8 of Section 17.13 (page IX-88).
(4)  Reduce the general revenue fund appropriations for the 2018-2019 state fiscal biennium by a total of $2,508,062,998 for all articles of the bill. The comptroller shall proportionately reduce each item of general revenue fund appropriation in each article of the bill in the amount necessary to equal that reduction in appropriation.
(5)  Adjust the subtotals, totals, and methods of financing accordingly.