Amend CSSB 1 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  In Article II of the bill, following the appropriations to the Department of Family and Protective Services (page II-3), add the following appropriately numbered rider:
____. Additional Funds for Development of Placement Capacity Management System. (a) In addition to other amounts appropriated to the Department of Family and Protective Services, the amount of $5,700,000 is appropriated from the Economic Stabilization Fund to the department for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2018, and $5,700,000 is appropriated from the Economic Stabilization Fund to the department for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2019, for the purpose of creating an electronic portal system that:
(1)  provides real-time tracking of foster care placement provider capacity;
(2)  allows for automatic data sharing with placement providers; and
(3)  serves as a case management system for placement staff.
(b)  Notwithstanding Rider 2, Capital Budget, funds appropriated by this rider may be expended on associated capital budget items.
(2)  In Article IX of the bill, in Sec. 17.13, Appropriations for Selected State Agencies and Programs, in the Economic Stabilization Fund appropriations to the Department of Information Resources for Statewide Information Technology and Cyber Security Initiatives (page IX-84), strike "$50,000,000" and substitute "$38,600,000".
(3)  Adjust totals and methods of financing appropriately.