Amend CSSB 4 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 8, line 27, between "government" and the underlined semicolon, insert the following:
(A)  the person was arrested for a felony offense; or
(B)  the law enforcement agency has obtained the attorney general's approval to comply with, honor, and fulfill the request
(2)  On page 9, line 3, between "Enforcement" and the underlined period, insert ", if applicable".
(3)  On page 9, between lines 6 and 7, insert the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(____) A law enforcement agency may not comply with, honor, or fulfill any request made in a detainer request by the federal government with respect to a person to whom neither Subsection (a)(1)(A) nor (B) applies.