Amend CSSB 4 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 1, lines 8-9, strike "AND CAMPUS POLICE DEPARTMENTS".
(2)  On page 1, line 13, strike "AND CAMPUS POLICE DEPARTMENTS".
(3)  Strike page 1, lines 15-16, and page 1, line 21, through page 2, line 1, and renumber subsequent subdivisions and references to those subdivisions accordingly.
(4)  Strike "or campus police department" each time it appears as follows:
(A)  Page 3, lines 20 and 26-27;
(B)  Page 4, line 15;
(C)  Page 5, lines 13-14; and
(D)  Page 6, lines 1-2 and 12.
(5)  Strike "or department" each time it appears as follows:
(A)  Page 3, line 22;
(B)  Page 4, lines 2 and 26; and
(C)  Page 5, lines 17 and 18.
(6)  On page 4, lines 24-25, strike ", campus police department,".
(7)  On page 5, lines 4-6, strike "or any citizen enrolled at or employed by an institution of higher education".
(8)  On page 5, lines 7-8, strike "or the institution's campus police department".
(9)  On page 6, line 18, strike "Sovereign immunity of this state and governmental" and substitute "Governmental".