Amend CSSB 4 (house committee printing) on page 8 of the bill, between lines 18 and 19, by inserting the following appropriately numbered SECTIONS and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS of the ARTICLE accordingly:
SECTION 1.____.  Section 37.01(2), Penal Code, is amended to read as follows:
(2)  "Governmental record" means:
(A)  anything belonging to, received by, or kept by government for information, including a court record;
(B)  anything required by law to be kept by others for information of government;
(C)  a license, certificate, permit, seal, title, letter of patent, or similar document issued by government, by another state, or by the United States;
(D)  a standard proof of motor vehicle liability insurance form described by Section 601.081, Transportation Code, a certificate of an insurance company described by Section 601.083 of that code, a document purporting to be such a form or certificate that is not issued by an insurer authorized to write motor vehicle liability insurance in this state, an electronic submission in a form described by Section 502.046(i), Transportation Code, or an evidence of financial responsibility described by Section 601.053 of that code;
(E)  an official ballot or other election record; [or]
(F)  the written documentation a mobile food unit is required to obtain under Section 437.0074, Health and Safety Code; or
(G)  a complaint or sworn statement filed in conjunction with a complaint under Section 752.055, Government Code.
SECTION 1.____.  Section 37.10(d), Penal Code, is amended to read as follows:
(d)  An offense under this section, if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the governmental record is described by Section 37.01(2)(D) or (G), is:
(1)  a Class B misdemeanor if the offense is committed under Subsection (a)(2) or Subsection (a)(5) and the defendant is convicted of presenting or using the record;
(2)  a felony of the third degree if the offense is committed under:
(A)  Subsection (a)(1), (3), (4), or (6); or
(B)  Subsection (a)(2) or (5) and the defendant is convicted of making the record; and
(3)  a felony of the second degree, notwithstanding Subdivisions (1) and (2), if the actor's intent in committing the offense was to defraud or harm another.