Amend CSSB 4 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 5 of the bill by striking added Section 752.051(5), Government Code (page 3, lines 21-27), and substituting the following:
(5)  "Lawful detention" means the detention of an individual by a local entity or campus police department for the investigation of a criminal offense. The term excludes a detention if the sole reason for the detention is:
(A)  that the individual is:
(i)  a victim of or witness to a criminal offense; or
(ii)  reporting a criminal offense;
(B)  a motor vehicle stop, as that term is defined by Article 2.132, Code of Criminal Procedure; or
(C)  to enforce a violation of:
(i)  Chapter 552, Transportation Code, if committed by a pedestrian; or
(ii)  an ordinance adopted in accordance with Section 552.009, Transportation Code.