Amend SB 190 on third reading in SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 261.3017 as follows:
(1) In added Subsection (a)(2), after "initial report;", strike "and".
(2) In added Subsection (a)(3), strike "(3)either:".
(3) In added Subsection (a)(3)(A), strike "(A)" and substitute "(3)".
(4) In added Subsection (a)(3)(A), after "assistance;", strike "or" and substitute "and".
(5) In added Subsection (a)(3)(B), strike "(B)" and substitute "(4)".
(6) Strike added Subsection (b) and substitute the following:
(b) A department supervisor shall review each reported case of child abuse or neglect that has remained open for more than 60 days and administratively close the case if:
(1) the supervisor determines that:
(A) the circumstances described by Subsections (a)(1)-(4) exist; and
(B) closing the case would not expose the child to an undue risk of harm; and
(2) the department director grants approval for the administrative closure of the case.